Fat experiences


I first noticed my belly hang after I passed 250 lbs. Became very noticeable after I passed 300 lbs. All of my slacks then slid below my belly whether I wanted them to or not. I became the classic huge belly guy who could not keep his pants hiked up. I really enjoy feeling all the soft fat on the bottom of my 61" belly and I gently caress and squeeze it each night as I drifted off to sleep.
8 years


I'm just hitting 240lbs ish. Finding it very exciting now to feel fat!!! The beginning to a belly hang, love handles and outgrowing all my old clothes. Time to get new larger sizes.
8 years


My lady has the cutest little roll that hangs below the rest of her belly. Rubbing a double-belly is so relaxing for us both smiley
8 years


I had a very perky and firm belly for the longest time, and it was only once I got into the upper 280's that it began to soften and fall. It seems to have taken some time for the last 15 lbs to settle and for my skin to stretch around the new fat, but now I'm 305-310 and my belly has drooped into a consistently undeniable hang.

This post inspired me to put up some pictures showing it off, since this was a major hope/goal when I decided to start gaining!! It's taken 50 lbs more than I expected to achieve it, but I'm happy to report it's everything I hoped it would be smiley lol
8 years


Probably around age 13. That's the age when I really started to balloon to my current weight of 375
8 years


I find belly hang especially good eye candy.
Whats even better is a huge hanging double belly.
8 years