Lifestyle tips

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Even though I am now over 300 lbs, I must admit until very recently I saw this as a temporary state. I had always thought that I would reach a point and say "ok fun's over" and diet and exercise down to what I believed a more normal weight.

Me too! I've always been on the curvy/chunky side and for most of my adult life I was a small BBW in the low 200-220 lbs range. Then a medication made me lose a bunch of weight, and I simply could not accept myself as a smaller person. Part of that was why I started to gain a little more than 2 years ago.

Flash forward to now and nearly 120lbs fatter. I'm solidly over 300lbs and my body and appetite have both undergone major changes. I'm only full if I'm stuffed, I order fast food for imaginary people (me) all the time, and the thought of getting even fatter still turns me on like nothing else, despite having blown past my original goal 40 lbs ago. My belly has grown disproportionately since then, resulting in a bulging spare tyre so big and jiggly that it wobbles to it's own separate rhythm when I walk. If it sounds like I'm getting a little poetic, it's because I'm in love.

With that, it's starting to dawn on me that maybe I'm not just popping up to 300 for a quick visit, and 300 may not be the fattest I get... I'm only planning on another 10 lbs, but I've been saying that every 10 lbs since 260! What's funny is that I had a very well developed and comfortable identity as a fat person, but that's not the same as being a very fat person (although it did mean I'd made peace with my body and society long ago). It's obviously not as dramatic a change as someone going from actually thin to fat would experience, but it' seen significant for me!

I will say that I feel more at ease with other fat people, but for me it's mostly about adjusting to the changes. I'm much slower now, especially if I've recently put on a few and my muscles aren't used to it yet! For some reason new weight makes my lower back ache like crazy if I have to walk any real distance without stopping for a break, so I'm getting used to planning them in. Same thing with my commute time- I now count the walk from the car to wherever. I'm making an effort to learn how to dress in a way that I feel looks cute and accommodates my belly comfortably, because now it's this big soft but unyielding thing that sort of demands to be dealt with in all sorts of ways. I travel with an extender, and if I get much bigger I'm going to have to get one for my car. I'm somewhere between disbelief and taking these milestones in stride.

The thought of fully giving in to life as a 300-something pounder is more exciting than it is worrying, so I guess I'm on my way! Acceptance certainly feels a lot more likely than a diet smiley
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

My experience was just like Lil Rascal's above. I really began thinking of myself as a fat person once I crossed 250 lbs. And as I continued to gain I found myself more and more turned on by the thought of becoming ever fatter. Starting to wear 2 XL and 3XL clothes really confirmed for me that I am truly a fat guy and there was no going back. Crossing 300 lbs. was another major achievement which reinforced that I will live my life as a huge fatty and enjoy every minute of it, eating whatever I want, not worrying about what others may think, and embracing my now huge belly, large moobs and double chin.
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

I've got to admit I don't really see myself as fat even though I'm close to 330lb. When I get dressed in the morning I still look in the mirror and think I'm not that big. I guess I have a warped sense of size!
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Tubby Marie:
I first was fat at age 15 at 165 pounds went on a diet and lost 40 pounds. For years I wold go back on a diet as soon as I hit 140 even got down to 120. By my 30's I would let my self go back up to 165 or so and diet back to 140. When I was turning 40 I figured It was time to get the weight off for good I had hit 173 pounds went on a diet and got back to 125 pounds. For 3 years I would go on a diet as soon as I gained 5 pounds. Being on a diet all the time sucked so I gave up and 2 years later I was 196 pounds. Upon seeing my reflexion in a store window I was mortified at the size of my belly, I looked 9 months pregnant with twins. I bought as ale and weighed my self saw the num we and went on a crash diet I got back down to 130 pounds but with in 3 years I was bac up to 175 pounds, I went on yet another diet got down to 150 and with in 6 months I was back at 175. That was it I faced the fact I am a fat person and will always be fat. Last year at this time I was at 220 but that was just too big for me. My belly was too heavy to carry around at that size I lost 30 pounds but of course I have gained back 10. So the. bottom line is I know I am fat and will always be fat,

Let the yo-yo go smiley My gf has
been heavy much of her life and her confidence just continues to turn me on. She hasn't seen anything south of 200 pounds since her early 20s. Now at about 310/320, her triple-Ds and soft double belly is quite the erogenous zone where my hands are concerned smiley
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

I have never been fat until a few years ago, I read that actually being fit and fat is much healthier then being thin. I decided to become fit and fat. I did some research and the real key is to gain the weight go very slowly, do not rush it. If you rush becoming fat you will lose the weight, it becomes like a YO YO. What happens by going slow you learn to just accept yourself as being a fat person and being fat is just who are and you always will be from now on. The other concern I had I happen to like a certain shape of my belly, I was little concerned on how to mold and shape my belly the way I wanted. What I discovered that to mold and shape my belly the way I wanted I should be in a vintage girdle like Rago 6210 girdle. To my pleasant surprise as I gained the weight the girdle help to mold shape my body exactly the way I needed my belly. A girdle gives my now fat belly the needed control and support and I can remain nice and fat and I found to my pleasant surprise I really love being a fat person, it wasn't anything like I thought. I do on the other exercise daily, I found that being fit and fat plus wearing a decent vintage girdle you really do feel great, and you look great, do not knock a vintage girdle until you try it you will be very pleasantly surprised. I have no intent of being obese or ever loosing the weight, just nice and fat.
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

I have been working on getting fat for about 2 years now. My goal has been to get to around 225 pounds and stay around that weight. Since I happen to like a fairly large pot belly I wanted to make sure that the weight went right to my belly, but did not hang out but stuck out.

I found that wearing a girdle everyday really helps as I became fatter and fatter, the girdle supports my belly, and doesn't pull my bellly in, but gives my belly needed control and support. As my belly became bigger I had to change to a larger girdle.

I am in a girdle like Rago 6210 about 16 to 18 hours everyday. What I noticed when looking at myself in the mirror my belly is growing exactly the way I want it to.

I found there is a psychological component to becomming fat, by going slow it helps you accept yourself as to who you really are as a fat person, which I found to my pleasant surprise I really like being fat. I do not want to become obese, just nice and fat, but also be fit and fat.

I found that by being fit and fat I do not get out of breath when I run briskly up stairs. If I did not exercise I could see where that could easily happen.

By wearing a firm boned girdle every day my belly does not jiggle and the support is wonderful no more lower back pains, and my posture is great. I found it took a little getting use to, but now I am very comfortable in a girdle.
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Four years ago, when I was at a shopping mall; I decided to weigh myself on the scale at a health food store. I said to myself that I am around 210-lbs. To my amazement, I weighed in at 227.5-lbs. I've done the diets and weight loss challenges; in order to drop some pounds. That didn't last long. Earlier this year, I went from 235-lbs. to 226-lbs. in a weight loss challenge. Only to regain the pounds that I had lost. I never was in denial of being or becoming fat. When I first hit 200-lbs., I accepted the fact of being fat. Now, I'm in the 230's, I'm proud of the fact that I am fat.
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Four years ago, when I was at a shopping mall; I decided to weigh myself on the scale at a health food store. I said to myself that I am around 210-lbs. To my amazement, I weighed in at 227.5-lbs. I've done the diets and weight loss challenges; in order to drop some pounds. That didn't last long. Earlier this year, I went from 235-lbs. to 226-lbs. in a weight loss challenge. Only to regain the pounds that I had lost. I never was in denial of being or becoming fat. When I first hit 200-lbs., I accepted the fact of being fat. Now, I'm in the 230's, I'm proud of the fact that I am fat.
I feel the same way. While am aware that being smaller may or may not bennifit my life in terms of longevity, am okay with being on the heavier side until I find a reason to slim down. I have not faired out well in losing weight so far so I'm content with being pleasingly plump.
8 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

When I got over 225 pounds I started to see myself as a fat person. My body felt different. I was softer and bigger than ever before. I moved differently, slower. Getting out of breath when briskly going up stairs was another indicator. All of my clothes for differently and I was buying bigger sizes than ever before.

My diet changed. I went from questioning food choices to eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. It was at this point that I saw myself as a fat person who could eat whatever I wanted since I wasn't trying to lose any weight. At that point I was happy that I had become a fat person and embraced it. I've only gotten happier since then.

This me to a t. I eat what I want, how much I want, when and as I want. Just today I bought a few new pants and shirts in a larger size. Time to start weeding out the old ones. In the fitting room mirror I saw how fat I've gotten, and I liked what I saw.

That's a big difference from when I fat shamed myself before I accepted being fat. Not only accepting it, but liking it.

I'm about 5'5" and just hit 225. I've been at 230 before but this time I'm going for 250-260. Depending on how I physically handle the weight I'd even go for 280. I think that would presume getting back in the gym and packing on muscle weight too.

This is a physique I can deal with.
7 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

At 130lbs, I don't really feel right being "a skinny person". Almost like there's a fat guy trapped in here that needs to be set free. I just wish I could come across a lot of fat friends that would help me get him out.
7 years
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