
Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

Update - Just for fun! We are up to 16! If we need more reasons, please feel free to chime in!

Top Ten Reasons Women Should have Fat Boyfriends

#1: He can't say anything if you gain a pound or dozen!
#2: He makes a great pillow!
#3: Somebody that big has to know how to cook!
#4: Cuddle factor = 10.0
#5: He can always keep you warm.
#6: You won't go hungry, because you know he will have food with him.
#7: Even is he does try to run away from you, he won't get very far!
#8: He knows all the best restaurants in town!
#9: You will always look skinny standing next to him!
#10: He'll be spending time with you instead of at the gym!
#11: He's likely to bring you chocolates, though he'll probably want
you to share.
#12: You can play with HIS boobs
(Hairy or not - 4 boobs are better than 2!)
#13: In these days of climate change, he can provide shade on hot days.
#14: You'll never seem like a pig around him, as he will probably
always out-eat you at restaurants.
#15: if someone starts to give you crap, you can tell them that your
man is a sumo wrestler and will sit on them unless they shut
their trap.
#16: strong like ox, but soft and sensuous (at times, lol)

16 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

Update - Just for fun! We are up to 20! If we need more reasons, please feel free to chime in!

Top Ten Reasons Women Should have Fat Boyfriends

#1: He can't say anything if you gain a pound or dozen!
#2: He makes a great pillow!
#3: Somebody that big has to know how to cook!
#4: Cuddle factor = 10.0
#5: He can always keep you warm.
#6: You won't go hungry, because you know he will have food with him.
#7: Even is he does try to run away from you, he won't get very far!
#8: He knows all the best restaurants in town!
#9: You will always look skinny standing next to him!
#10: He'll be spending time with you instead of at the gym!
#11: He's likely to bring you chocolates, though he'll probably want
you to share.
#12: You can play with HIS boobs
(Hairy or not - 4 boobs are better than 2!)
#13: In these days of climate change, he can provide shade on hot days.
#14: You'll never seem like a pig around him, as he will probably
always out-eat you at restaurants.
#15: if someone starts to give you crap, you can tell them that your
man is a sumo wrestler and will sit on them unless they shut
their trap.
#16: strong like ox, but soft and sensuous (at times, lol)
#17 He will never make fun of you because he knows how it feels.
#18 you can nick 1 of his tops and walk round in just that, tis comfy and i find the guys like that kinda view too, lol
#19 usually more sensitive and caring about you
#20 your able to have play fights without worrying bout breaking him =D

15 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

no leftovers in the house
10 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

KB0987 wrote:
Jesus, thread necromancy man.

Actually if it was Jesus I think that'd be called revitalization. lol
10 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

crescit_eundo81 wrote:
Like any women would even look at fat men! Come on guys, really! Best laugh in the day. Thanks for making my day better, I'm like rolling in the floor laughing my ass off.

Why on earth women could choose some fat blob over athlete dude? I mean athlete and strong guy could *** womans brains off in bed. Fat man could only do that my falling over woman...

I must like go to catch rainbows, unicorns, trolls, hobbits, couple of my little ponies, yeti, bigfoot and other mythical creatures. Oh those things are much easier to find than FFA!!!!

So good luck fat guys I mean you are going to need it.

I get the feeling that maybe you don't belong here. Or anywhere, really.
9 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

If they'll have him smiley
9 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

I would like to add ......or make them chubby :_)

and some funny stuff:

#1 you can tease him more easily by poking pinching and squeezing him in his softer prats

#2you can easily tickle him and run away where he once was catching you easily and tickling you back until you were helpless now can just wait until he is breathing hard and get slowly grinning back on him and ticke him until he submits to do whatever ...:_)

#3 If he want´s to much sexy you can easily combine sex and the longing for food in form of first food then sex afterwards food to calm hi dwon and stuff him until he can´t move could then use his state for various other attempts on him :_)

#4 you can further let him do exercises to see if he gained enough for his belly o bunch up and jiggle on certain occasions

#5 you could wrestle with him easily when he once was frocing you down and taking advantage of you and to what ever he liked in bed like pinning down your hands so easily you now are fast against him with his added pusge to play fight hi easily and get him exhausted until you can use some bondage on him and do some kinky things with him maybe even some food ;-) O.O

*6 If he teases you like i would do when having a few more sexy pounds after christmas you can easily make him gain more until you are teasing him about it until he get´s red in the face knowing that wouldn´t have happened when he could control his eating and do sports as he used to ....

#7 when you knock him out with a mmysterious food coma (is that really possible?) you could just use him as you pillow how you like :_) ehm given the fact that u get him at the desired place before he passes out :-)

#8 You would be a revenge hero for all the girls he poked and teased about some belly chubb in school and even now sometimes ;-) and you would prove to him being once very fit is no guarantee for beeing fit and staying slim now .....if you wanted to you could easily make me gain 20lbs or even 50lbs
You could prove a guy wrong that always found it easy to beat girls in exercises and sport challenges and make him chubby by some nice kinky bets you know you will win him having this belly now .

#9 yeah it´s might be a real fun for both :_)
9 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

No one can say she's a bad cook if her guy is huge.smiley
9 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

I am in love with this thread smiley

I know that snuggling has already been mentioned, but I feel like it should be emphasized! Snuggling with fat guysss>>>

Everything on here is true (and lovely), so here's my contribution: you never have to be shy about saying that you're hungry, because he probably is too smiley
9 years
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