
Height vs belly ratio

Great idea. Mine is 73.5/49 = 1.5 now compared to around 2 a few years ago! I've fattened up smiley
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

Oh my. Didn't expect that... but I beat everyone above smiley 178cm/123cm = 1.44
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

68 " / 54" 1.25
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

Waiting for spherical man with height to waist ratio 1/pi ~ 0.3183. For 6ft that'll be a blimp 226" around... er... this is ridiculous.

Lets cut the legs, shall we? Say, that'll be half of body, so we multiply ratio up to 0.6366. Anyone here with waist around 113"? smiley

Ah heck, lets kill something... this thread for example - maybe anyone tells his ratio only if its lower than everyones above? )
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

My ratio was 2 last year, now it's 1.6 smiley
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

78" tall, abut 84" around. so that's a .94
9 years

Height vs belly ratio

oh wow I didn't realize I was quite that fat, I got 1.05
Time to work on getting that under 1, only another 5 inches to go.
8 years