Fat experiences

What you feel after gaining

Noticing I'm getting heavier. My face is fatter than it is now. Outgrowing my clothes after gaining a few pounds.
9 years

What you feel after gaining

Just feeling so much rounder all over.

People definitely seem to like hugging me more often.

Being told by a friend that for a big guy I've still got a cute a*s.

Feeling more self confident as I continue to grow bigger.

Enjoying filling out all my clothes and in some shirts even finding that I can feel the breeze on the underside of my belly as it continues to expand outwards and now also to the sides.

The feeling of sitting down in to a seat and feeling that the fit is getting more and more snug over time.

Buying bigger clothing than I need then finding that I actually do need it as I'm growing bigger than I thought.

The feeling of abandon at being able to eat whatever I want, regardless of how fattening it is (in that case I have bigger and more servings hahaha)

And being able to set gaining goals in the how that I'll reach them singer rather than later.


And still hoping to find a feeder and push my gaining in to a higher gear...
8 years

What you feel after gaining

Noticing that I'm bigger and thicker all around-- when I cross my arms, my torso just feels wide and thick. It's not just belly, but belly, love handles, etc.

When you start to feel your belly brush against the seatbelt.

When you start to feel your belly touch your thighs when crouching.

Feeling the fit of a pair of pants change-- all the tiny steps-- from loose, to not loose, to a little snug, to tight and "unflattering" because it squeezes your muffin top up even more, to so tight it's uncomfortable, to so tight you can barely button them, then to where you can't button them, then to where you can't even pull them up.
8 years

What you feel after gaining

Noticing that I'm bigger and thicker all around-- when I cross my arms, my torso just feels wide and thick. It's not just belly, but belly, love handles, etc.

When you start to feel your belly brush against the seatbelt.

When you start to feel your belly touch your thighs when crouching.

Feeling the fit of a pair of pants change-- all the tiny steps-- from loose, to not loose, to a little snug, to tight and "unflattering" because it squeezes your muffin top up even more, to so tight it's uncomfortable, to so tight you can barely button them, then to where you can't button them, then to where you can't even pull them up.

Nice visual !
8 years

What you feel after gaining

Just feeling so much rounder all over.

People definitely seem to like hugging me more often.

Being told by a friend that for a big guy I've still got a cute a*s.

Feeling more self confident as I continue to grow bigger.

Enjoying filling out all my clothes and in some shirts even finding that I can feel the breeze on the underside of my belly as it continues to expand outwards and now also to the sides.

The feeling of sitting down in to a seat and feeling that the fit is getting more and more snug over time.

Buying bigger clothing than I need then finding that I actually do need it as I'm growing bigger than I thought.

The feeling of abandon at being able to eat whatever I want, regardless of how fattening it is (in that case I have bigger and more servings hahaha)

And being able to set gaining goals in the how that I'll reach them singer rather than later.


And still hoping to find a feeder and push my gaining in to a higher gear...

All of the above are right on the money for me. I could not have said it better.
8 years

What you feel after gaining

I put on about fifteen pounds this summer. I really noticed how big my waist/belly got. I also found it a lot harder to do my sit-ups I actually got winded doing them. Bending over made it really hard to breath and leaning down to pick something up I could barely breath. My butt also got bigger and now some of my jeans don't fit anymore.
8 years

What you feel after gaining

This is a real shame because you convey how delightfully sensuous, almost intoxicating in its sensuality, all that weighty flesh on your belly is, both in your pics and your vids. Perhaps some people fumble what they seek to give back from enjoying what you post. Maybe others are too much 'in the moment' smiley Obviously I can't speak to the difficulties of bending down. Would that it were less necessary!

Softly 1:
Ive just gained a huge amount and initially loved it. I love how heavy and fat my belly is but i love big fat bellies on anyone!
The way i round out when stuffed, the way the steering wheel in my car rubs against me, the sensual feeling i get when eating 'naughty' foods.

But....i dont like feeling out of breath and being unable to bend over without passing out. And comments and messages on here have changed. Its as if being very fat gives people the right to treat you differently.

I used to get messages that were so flattering and appealing. Now, most of them are about how flabby and enormous i am, how many lbs (?) of food can i get in my gut, what a huge fat pig ive become.

That makes my gain an unhappy one.
8 years

What you feel after gaining

You had to use the word 'wobble' didn't you?
8 years

What you feel after gaining

Softly 1:
And comments and messages on here have changed. Its as if being very fat gives people the right to treat you differently.

I used to get messages that were so flattering and appealing. Now, most of them are about how flabby and enormous i am, how many lbs (?) of food can i get in my gut, what a huge fat pig ive become.

That makes my gain an unhappy one.

It makes me sad to read that so many men have an IQ and EQ the size of a mustard seed... Don't let them ruin the experience for you.
8 years