Fat experiences


I feel like in the last five years, I have gotten better at seeing the patterns and attitudes in the people around me that precede putting on weight. A lot of my friends and family that were previously skinny are getting middle-aged, and having kids and fading athleticism have caught up to a lot of people, but some more than others. Some of them, I knew that the weight was coming eventually, but others were complete surprises.

One of my friends is very active with outdoorsy stuff, and he and his long-time girlfriend were also very healthy and granola in their eating too, but even with all of the hiking and quinoa, I just knew she was going to eventually get chubby. Now that she has, I am happy for them that it hasn't changed them negatively; they still do all of the same things, and she loves herself and they and love each other very much, as they should. I've never brought up her weight, but when it has come up on its own, he indicates that he kind of knew it was coming too, based on her family history.
8 years


Nice super-power there.

Even better would be a way to detect latent feedees--people who might not even know they have this tendency until they meet someone who introduces them to feedism and encourages them to gain.
8 years