Fat experiences

Fat-hating spouse

Is he saying or doing whatever it is he's doing because he loves you and cares about you and your health? Or is he doing it just to be rude? If it's the first reason then he might just be genuinely scared for your health and that you might die young, have you tried talking to him about all of it? Maybe show him that there is a size positive community and tips for being bigger and healthy
8 years

Fat-hating spouse

Do you think he could be pressing this issue to build up to ending the relationship, in a very passive aggressive and cowardly way?

That very well could be, although I do agree it would be very cowardly
8 years

Fat-hating spouse

I would do the same thing
8 years

Fat-hating spouse

Some of us have the opposite problems. Our spouses hate themselves for being fat. That is not easy to deal with either.
8 years

Fat-hating spouse

I want to leave. His fat-hating isn't the only issue. It's just not as easy leaving with three children and no money of my own.

Whenever you add kids into the mix it always makes it harder, just save every bit of money you can, maybe stay with friends or family for a while till you can get your own place
8 years