
Ffas and big moobs

I'm curious, are there any FFAs out there who really like the idea of a BHM partner having bigger boobs (well, moobs) than them?

I'm sure it happens but I wonder whether it's something any of you actually like, or like the idea of?
9 years

Ffas and big moobs

I definitely like the thought of a BHM having larger breasts than me, but it's more of a little bonus than anything else since it's not really something I actively search for. Besides being fun to squeeze, I think having moobs makes most guys feel a lot weaker and more feminized, which in turn amps up the dom streak most FFAs have, including myself.
9 years

Ffas and big moobs

I hear all the time women saying that they don't want a man with bigger breasts than them. I really don't see any connection. Like a woman with DD breasts can like a man with C cups, but a woman with A cup breasts can't like a man with C cups? What you have and what you prefer should be two separate things.
9 years

Ffas and big moobs

Besides being fun to squeeze, I think having moobs makes most guys feel a lot weaker and more feminized, which in turn amps up the dom streak most FFAs have, including myself.

I think you may have hit on something here... certainly I think it applies to my relationship with my feeder. smiley
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

I have a thing for guys with monster bellies and big moobs are part of the package LOL
Yeah I like em.
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

Agree, I also find moobs a huge turn on, and if they are bigger than mine it's even better!! smiley

It's hard to balance my impulse to enjoy them to the full and at the same time play it cool in case the guy can be sensitive about it...! smiley

Personally, I wish my moobs were bigger...much bigger! smiley
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

Blubberlol: I'm sorry that you've struggled, i was also ostracized and picked on because i look different. it's absolute hell, and i don't think i could live through my teen years again. also, I'm sorry some people are still being inconsiderate of your struggles.

OP: being an ffa, i absolutely LOVE moobs. i fantasize about them all the time, they're usually what i check out on large gentlemen i see (well, i guess, along with everything else), and i don't find guys attractive if they don't have them (i.e., are all belly with a relatively small chest). they are definitely a huge turn on for me!!!

I too was picked on unmercifully in grammar school and early high school about my moobs. Made being fat very tough as an adolescent. Now as an adult and being much fatter I have learned to embrace and enjoy them. So nice to hear from FFA's who really love them and are turned on by them. Makes me happy!
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

As a guy with big moobs, I approve this thread smiley
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

I have a thing for guys with monster bellies and big moobs are part of the package LOL
Yeah I like em.

Can't weight to look like this! smiley
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

What a great thread. I've put on about 35 pounds since September, and have absolutely noticed developments in this particular area. It is pretty amazing, and I can't help but look at my reflection whenever I catch it--like, is that really me? I don't remember ever having curves like this!
8 years
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