
Self control

This topic reminds me of this:
9 years

Self control

I agree "Loss of self control" with eating is in itself an extremely sexy part of this weight gain fetish for me these days.

When I notice my wife has gained a good amount of weight and then I watch her eat way larger portions at meals followed directly by something sweet right after and then she gets into a pattern of constantly snacking all night long after is so sexy. The best is when she gets in these uncontrollable pattern and starts sneaking extra snacks by just standing in the pantry after dinner and putting chocolate after chocolate in her mouth after she has already finished off a pint of Ben n jerry's.

The ultimate arousal with this loss of control has only happened a couple of way back after she was pregnant for the last time with our third child and she was trying intensely to lose her pregnancy weight. Well, 6 months had gone by and she not only didn't lose any weight but I noticed that she was gaining more weight.
After another 6 months her appetite was out of control and she had gained plenty more.....she told me that she can't stop stuffing her face....I thought she was poking fun at herself as she does when she has gained a lot of weight....but she looked at me seriously and said 'No, I am serious I really can't stop eating and I never get full....If you had food in front of me 24 hours a day I would just sit there and continue eating and never stop" I was totally aroused in such a crazy way!

What a great story! An exemplary tale about the joys of all this!
9 years

Self control

I've often found myself coming to in the kitchen 2 hours after I went in to get a snack surrounded by empty wrappers, and with my belly distended..

Yes self control isn't one of my high points.
8 years

Self control

Oh yeah all the time.
There are days where I eat constantly usually on the weekends.
Self control? I have none when it comes to food.
8 years

Self control

I pretty much spent my day putting food in my mouth at work.
Got a call from a guy friend wanting me to go eat dinner with him.Like I needed to eat again but I went anyway.
I am so bloated right now I should lay down for a while but no I'm eating a snickers bar.
8 years

Self control

I know I have no self control. Seems like after most dinner meals, I would sit on the couch and snack on something until bedtime. I am told that I am getting fat if I continue this trend. I don't see any change in behavior in the near future.
8 years

Self control

Yeah, I have 0 self control. If I'm not currently gaining, I don't keep junk food in my pantry because it will not last.
8 years

Self control

I forget who said it, but it certainly applies to me "I can resist anything except temptation.". (At least when it comes to food. I do better in other areas, where giving in to temptation isn't a turn on in its own right, on top of the original temptation.)
8 years

Self control

Oh haha such a good topic ....

well i have to much selfcontrol , that why i hope to find a gf who tries to fight against that selfcontrol of me trying to always be able to get back in shape easily and make me so crazy about her that i forget about my ever groing tummy ;-)
8 years

Self control

hehe that´s cute somehow no for me it´s more phases where i like to eat more ^^ could be some weeks or just a weekend smiley
8 years
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