
Heavy cream is very sneaky

I wonder, does the metamucil in any way reduce or prevent the absortion of the fat? Iam not sure, but is there anyway to reverse the effects of drinking the heavy cream. I am hopping that once swallowed and broken down by the body, that there is no way to remove it from the body.
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I wonder, does the metamucil in any way reduce or prevent the absortion of the fat? Iam not sure, but is there anyway to reverse the effects of drinking the heavy cream. I am hopping that once swallowed and broken down by the body, that there is no way to remove it from the body.

I hope not lol I usually allow about 8 hours before I take the metamucil. And I also have an ensure plus right before bed smiley)
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

So a few weeks ago I tried incorporating heavy cream into my gaining. It only lasted a week and all of a sudden my stuffing ended also...just kind of a lack of motivation and got busier with work.

I did like 4 pints in a seven day span. During this time my gut was always big and bloated from the cream and the stuffing. A week or so after my gut seemed to go down from it's over stuffed bloating of food etc. Several days ago I put on a pair of designer type jeans that my wife buy's me...the kind with a lot of stretch but after you wash them they shrink down until you wear them for a while and they stretch out. I tried putting them on and I could barely squeeze them over my hips and when I finally got them up they were so tight across my ass they were pulling down a bit. When I tried to pull up the zipper and fasten the button I rode them very low at the thinnest part of my lower waist and when fastened were completely uncomfortable and my gut hung over a good 4-6 inches. I immediatley thought my wife must have washed these jeans that are a size 36" but stretch to more like 38" plus" and were slightly loose in the waist just month ago...not to mention baggier in the but and certainly in the hips. Without asking my wife if she had washed my jeansshe happened to come around while I was trying them on and glanced at me while they were absolutely skin tight and they looked painted on me.
She said nothing and I kind of felt like her getting dressed in the closet...trying on something and coming out in a different outfit because the other one didn't fit.

So a few days later I put the same pair of jeans on and wore them for the day myself shopping a few days before thanksgiving and wow were they snug and uncomfortable. I tried them on a day after thinking ...."wow these jeans will be really stretched out now the next time I put them on" when I tired getting them on they felt just as tight as the first time I tried squeezing into them and I really noticed how snug they were on my hips and ass not to mention having my gut hang out a good 4-6" over my waist band. I decided to try on a pair of shorts that were regular fit before if not a bit I slid them on they definitely still fit but were much tighter in my hips and ass but the 38" waistband struggled to fasten even very low on the thinnest part below my gut....when I finally fastened it my gut hung over the waist band a good 4-6 fattening inches. I decided to try on a pair of 36" shorts that I usually fit in fine but have a slimmer fit.....when I tried pulling them up I couldn't even get them up over my upper thigh and hips and when I really forced them they strained to get around my hips and ass and were so stretched there was no way I was going to even be able to get the zipper started let alone zip up.

I didn't feel like I had gotten that much bigger by look's but after this arousing but shocking development I decided to weigh myself at a department store I went into yesterday and realized I was 257 Lbs. on average on all the various scales I stepped on. One said 256 and a couple said 258 even read 259 Lbs. but most were at 257 Lbs. I kept trying to see one read over 260 Lbs. but I knew it might have been in I realized that 257 Lbs. was the most accurate reading. Now it wasn't so much the number that was crazy but the fact that for the last week in a half I really havn't been eating that much not mention barely any sweets or to many fattening things. And the even greater discovery was that my hips, ass and upper thighs have become so much bigger. This has never happened to me before when gaining where I can't fit into my clothing other than my bigger gut hanging out in front of me...but to feel my clothing straining in the hips and ass was a different feeling.

that sounds very interesting ;-) thehe

especially the encounter with your wife coming around when your trying on those jeans ^^.

Having a grinning gf who i sneaking around trying to catch those moments when realizing that one got fatter mabye even when trying not to eat so much or give into her seductive ways for feeding you would be very hot.

Even secret foto shots and cam recordings when she feed you into sleep still wearing those once fitting clothes would be a sexy treat if she shows you all that after a while to prove her point that you are not in control of your weight anymore ....she is ;-) .

And during all that time she finds joy in showing you with every 10 more pounds in several fitness exercises (;-) to keep you fit of course ...nono not to see you struggling with her endurance or seeing your chubby parts kiggling out of your tight workout gear ;-))

grinning t you knowing that you once were so fit and arrogant about how easy girl gain weight and that it just needs some selfcontrol to resist food and not get fat.
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

It's weird, I've had pretty much 500ml-1L each day for the last three days and I've also been adding dextrose to help with the fat absorbsion. And I've noticed just today that my thighs feel bigger, it's probably mind over matter but I want more smiley
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Today I discovered how awesome strawberry ensure plus and heavy cream is, downed a pint (1600 calories) and two bottles of ensure (700 calories) sooo tasty smiley)
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I think the testimonies of this many people is good enough for any one to give it a try. I have tried gaining several times in my life but my metabolism is just so high that I've never been able to break 150 lbs. But this time I am more motivated than ever, I have an encourager that shares my dream of me getting to a super sized weight one day, a fattening diet I can stick to, and now I am going to incorporate heavy cream into my diet. 150+ lbs here I come! Haha
7 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

-delayed effects of the cream have definitely been noted (aftermath effect) - looking forward to how much more....

What is the reason for this "delay"?
7 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I too wonder about this delay / if I should expect it. Just went back into cream myself, having a quart a day for 2-3 days so far. Taking a break today / tomorrow then back at it through the weekend. Hopefully I'll see some results
7 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Had a flu the past 36 or so hours. I swear double cream is the only thing saving my gaining.
7 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I havent done plain cream much, but I certainly have gorged on ice cream quite often. A new discovery is making nutella fondue, which is just nutella and heavy cream. But usually I just eat the Nutella out of the jar.
7 years
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