Fat experiences

Grocery-shopping self checkout

No haha. I have done the opposite though. The other day I went to the grocery store in tight clothes (which is all my clothes now) that you could see my big belly sticking out and jiggling. I enjoyed all the stares I was getting as I filled my cart with ice cream, cookies, and chocolates, all while drinking a large starbucks frappuccino with whipped cream. I bet some of them had seen me before and were thinking about how fat i got so fast haha.

I guess I would behave differently if they were coworkers though.
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

Funny thing! The other day going through the line at our grocery store feeling a little embarrassed ....Ok a lot embarrassed when I put up 4 pints of ben n jerrys, 2 boxes of ice cream sandwiches, 4 packages of cookies, 2 bags of chocolates and a few bags of chips and nothing else.

I felt very strange.... not that anyone said anything but I felt very strange.

Our grocery store doesn't have a self check out or that would certainly be an option for me.

It's crazy to think how awkward I felt and my wife pretty much killed all that in 4-5 days so I am back at it....I might have to find a self checkout store close by.
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

I refuse to use self checkout on general principle, no matter how long the line is. If the store doesn't have to pay someone to checkout my groceries then that should reflect in a discount on my purchases.
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

I tend to use the Self checkout myself in my local supermarket. I work on the normal checkouts, so I get a little more privacy if I go through the self checkout. Though people can still be nosy, especially if they see mainly junk food like crisps and sweets... Sometimes I get some smart comments, but I usually give a cheeky or witty reply!
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

I actually quite enjoy the cashiers looks. When I was still average/skinny I would get asked "oh are you having a party" or what not. Now that I'm becoming a noticeable fatty the questions have stopped. I can tell they are avoiding asking if it's for me or something like a party bc I've clearly indulged in my fair share of gluttony.

That's pretty HOT in my book!
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

I actually quite enjoy the cashiers looks. When I was still average/skinny I would get asked "oh are you having a party" or what not. Now that I'm becoming a noticeable fatty the questions have stopped. I can tell they are avoiding asking if it's for me or something like a party bc I've clearly indulged in my fair share of gluttony.

Lol yeah I didn't realize this till I read your comment, but I just bought a bunch of cookies, drumstick ice cream, chips, and carrots (hey, got to have those vitamins) and my cashier asked if I had big plans for tonight. It didn't register that he asked on account of my haul, so I just said "not really". Then he said "just livin' it big then". Didn't realize it was a backhanded compliment until now haha.
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

If you like such questions, more power to you!

If not, the best answer to nosy questions (even non-food-related ones) is: "Why do you ask?"
9 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

Does anyone else do the self checkout to avoid the stares when they buy a ton of fattening stuff? Its funny, because I work at a supermarket without a self-check so I have no other option but to get checked out by my coworkers, even when I'm buying massive quantities of Ben & Jerry's lol

I can understand this as I do the same thing with the consideration of how some people who know me have highlighted the fact " That it looks like I have been eating well".
8 years