

So I was sitting here, thinking, "What's a good food to stuff somebody with to make them nice and fat as fast as possible?" And then the answer hit me...


Cake with everything. Cake after dinner. Cake as a snack. Cake in the evenings. Cake to celebrate. Cake for any time at all.

Cake, cake, cake.
8 years


Humm... Anyone tried to use cake batter for pancakes? Or is the recipe the same for cake as pancakes. Cake now for breakfast!!!
8 years


I wish I could stuff with cake, but it seems like with sweets I start to feel meh after eating lots at once lol. Still won't stop me from wanting to buy a cheesecake and stuff with it!

Also, I'd kinda want to try a weight gain shake with cake batter in it for those extra calories smiley
8 years


I'll make sure that I get a three tier cake just for you smiley
8 years


Cake and frosting. Those two things make me insanely happy. If I could eat cake for every meal, I would do it.

Wait, I'm an adult, and I CAN do that.

8 years


8 years