
Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

In my ideal world, science and technology would work together to increase food production by an enormous amount, bringing an end to world hunger... in fact, bringing about the opposite of world hunger! We'd have so much food that our waistlines would very quickly begin to expand. In countries in places like Africa, people who were once starving would waddle around with huge, bouncing bellies as evidence of their new bounty.

In this world, technology has also advanced to the point where automation has taken over most manual labour, and domestic robots have become the norm. This, of course, would also contribute to humanity growing softer and fatter.

Any other questions for me?
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

Haven't you seen Wall-E?

If not, see it. You'll love it.
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

Haven't you seen Wall-E?

If not, see it. You'll love it.

I did see it, and it may have been an early trigger for my fat fetish.
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

I have and would love to be in a world where everyone was fat. I had a real world experience of that on a smaller scale. A couple of years ago I went to an anniversary party of some close friends. They had invited 25 couples and all but 1 couple was fat or obese. I felt like I was in heaven being surrounded by so many fat men and women, drinking, eating and just enjoying gorging themselves at the buffet. At the time I felt this would be an ideal world.
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

What a wonderful idea and dream, I have it also again and again. And it is hot that people are getting fatter and with that, appreciation might also change and fat hate and fat phobia might finally stop.
For me it has been very interesting, as I used to be thin and for years now have purposefully been fattened up and grown larger and large and am entering the realm of obesity, which feels so magical.

This world by the way, where everybody is fat and happy with it does exist:
Go to the BBW Bashes, preferably the large ones, I would recommend the one in Vegas, it is a whole week of living in a world where everybody is fat and loves it and dresses to please, to show off their curves. And for me it is like being around super models, it is so wonderful and inspiring to see so many incredibly fat men and women and that even at the pool side, see women that are 500 pounds, yet wear a bikini and know that they are sexy and beautiful. A total dream!
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

I've often fantasized (the feedee side of me, anyway) that it became a popular trend for guys to get fat. I dreamed that all the guys (including me) in my high school started gaining, and all the girls became feeders. Imagine that. The school lunches are suddenly huge and fattening, sumo wrestling and competitive eating become mainstream sports, and the fatter you are, the hotter you are.

Go on... smiley
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

I've often fantasized (the feedee side of me, anyway) that it became a popular trend for guys to get fat. I dreamed that all the guys (including me) in my high school started gaining, and all the girls became feeders. Imagine that. The school lunches are suddenly huge and fattening, sumo wrestling and competitive eating become mainstream sports, and the fatter you are, the hotter you are.

Go on... smiley

Haha, well, I love the idea of the guys getting bigger at the same time. Guys are getting stuck in desks, growing out of their clothes and the girls hanging on their bellies and butts like they would a jock's arms. I'd be getting huge, and my crush would feed me twinkies by our lockers between classes...

Ooh. And what about the girls? How big would they be?
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

It would be interesting to see what it would be like if everyone got so fat that they were almost immobile and people could barely move.

Domestic robots and hover beds?
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

There is an animation where everyone is fat. Maybe it's called wall-e or something but definitely futuristic, but earth can't take it, we are already using 1,5 earths to sustain us..
7 years