
Do you want to be unhealthy ?

I don't want myself or anyone else to be truly unhealthy or have major problem, but I do enjoy minor forms of being unhealthy like getting out of breath and slowing down, being lazier and out of shape, general obesity, belly getting in the way of some activities, etc.
8 years

Do you want to be unhealthy ?

I don't want myself or anyone else to be truly unhealthy or have major problem, but I do enjoy minor forms of being unhealthy like getting out of breath and slowing down, being lazier and out of shape, general obesity, belly getting in the way of some activities, etc.

Do you mean you want those things to happen to you or your partner ?

Both! I used to mostly like the idea of it for my partner, but more and more I like the idea of it for me... sometimes I even think about what it would be like to have a fit partner that encouraged and teased me about my gain.

I echo what others are saying about major health problems though. Such a tricky "fetish"!
8 years

Do you want to be unhealthy ?

If finding a partner that I can share gaining lots of weight with and becoming softer and rounder and ever fatter is unhealthy then. No. No I do not want to be healthy. But I do want to be happy. I like my fetish. It is my body and no one is encouraging me to put that mass on. That is a conscious choice. I derive an immense amount of pleasure from it.
I am not on here for fantasy I am here for manifest destiny. I cannot explain why I love it so much but I really do. If I have to live thin and miserable for 30+ years that's not living and that quality of life will be lacking but if I can live in a true and loving relationship and only make it 10-15 years instead of 30. Well then stick a funnel in me there's softening to be done.
8 years