
Belly skin stretch massages

Not too sure if massaging would work, as fat is broken up into two categories: Visceral and Subcutaneous.

Visceral is where fat is located more around the abdomen/organs, and is identifiable as "hard fat", or the type of fat you'd see most beer bellies with (or with men more in general I believe).

Subcutaneous fat is right underneath the skin, and is the soft variation, which is responsible for cellulite and dimples and whatnot.

As for what causes them specifically, I'm not entirely sure, and I can't find any specific sources. It could be a mixture of diet, or possibly just genetics. From personal experience, when I started gaining from when I was skinny, I started getting the "beer belly" look (even though I didn't drink). However, as I gained weight, my belly eventually softened up quite a bit!

I hope someone else can give some more scientific advice to help out lol, but overall, I'd just say gain more weight to get that softening/hang. You'll eventually just start getting that subcutaneous fat more the bigger you get, and you'll start noticing.
8 years