
Olive oil. how much?

Olive oil has lots of fat in it however i am quite small and light (165 cm 47kg) and i have heard stories of ppl going to hospital from chuging lots olive oil (too much fat i presume) so how much would be the most effective and wont put me in hospital?

What's the difference between gaining with heavy cream and EVO oil?
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

1. blog on the subject:

2. I would start out slowly, maybe 3 tablespoons (357 calories) per day to start and increase it by a tablespoon per day. If you notice any ill effects, stop immediately, or at least cut back until you find an amount you can tolerate easily.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's very fattening stuff If you do the above you'll be up to a cup a day in two weeks, which is an extra 1910 calories per day.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

1. blog on the subject:

2. I would start out slowly, maybe 3 tablespoons (357 calories) per day to start and increase it by a tablespoon per day. If you notice any ill effects, stop immediately, or at least cut back until you find an amount you can tolerate easily.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's very fattening stuff If you do the above you'll be up to a cup a day in two weeks, which is an extra 1910 calories per day.

Evo vs Heavy Cream, compare.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

Have you ever tried to drink oil? It's pretty nasty and it doesn't mix with other liquids.

I agree...I was just trying to answer the original question.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

no prob!
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

Olive oil is unsaturated fat whereas heavy cream is saturated, also olive oil has more calories, some 900kcal / 100ml whereas cream much less than that.

If the old medical "wisdom" is still true, saturated oil causes heart disease (through clogging up your arteries), while unsaturated does not do that.
But that is if you look up the standard wiki pages and webMD about it. Does anybody have some new articles that show that this is not true anymore, that saturated is safe now?
What about if you take a lot of it?

I'm asking here about facts and studies, articles and concrete links, not "I think it is this way", because we are all at that stage right now, not knowing exactly what is fact.

There is factual truth though about that sometimes it does not matter if it is saturated or not, it won't touch or hurt your heart. The rosetto phenomenon gives me hope, as it shows that if your heart is happy and well emotionally, it won't get sick, even if you subject it to "unhealthy" fats, please see here:
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

... It won't hurt you if you do it in moderation. Make sure that you mix it by 50% at first and start by drinking a cup a day. Then double, triple, etc, when you feel like you can.

Well, that is the problem isn't it? If he is considering to drink pure fat (like olive oil), it is not about moderation at all, it is about rapid weight gain. And then the bad effects will be manifold, if they are still there (as far as I know the truth saturated fat is bad for you, unsaturated is good still holds) I want to gain weight fast myself and wish I could trust cream, it is much more fun to drink, and bacon (love love love bacon, could eat it by the pound) but I don't since I don't want to destroy my health doing it. I think everybody has to do this decision for themselves, I don't want to risk it, as I still want to gain quite a lot of weight and as far as I know, if your arteries are clogged up and you are having your first heart attack, there is no going back, they don't just unclog themselves.
Now I don't pretend I know all the answers, I don't know if olive oil is much better,but at least at this point science says: Yes, it is.

Now to answer the original question:
I'm currently doing 50 ml per 12 h and it has fattened me up quite a bit, it makes every meal into a super fat bomb.
The trick is to not go overboard and drink a lot of fat, since the stomach just can't digest it.
To know for sure how much you can digest? You will know by:
1. If it comes out undigested, that is too much.
2. If it makes you puke, same.

Yes, olive oil is pretty nasty to drink, I found the trick is to take a little swig of it, and then very quickly flush it down with something like orange juice, so you don't actually taste it, works really great.

Now 50 ml is a pretty large dose, so start with something smaller, like 10 ml or 25 ml and see how your stomach takes that. It takes some getting used to digest that much fat, so you might have to let your stomach getting used to it.

Again, it works much better taking small doses over time than one big one.

So now I just wish that one of you guys could show me that cream is healthy and does not have any ill effects if one drinks it by the cup, because I like it much more.

And then we could maybe use that roseto effect that I described in another post and do a big feeding camp where we all support eachother and form a community, because a close knit community seems to have a very healthy effect on the heart.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

By the way does olive oil cause visceral fat or subcutaneous fat because i want subcutaneous fat there are 2 main reasons. I like jiggily fat as opppsed to "hard" fat (visceral fat) ,and i dont want to die for my fetish so i would much rather the much healther subcutaneous fat, if so then tell me of not tell me a food that causes subcutaneous fat. Thx 😀

I get this question constantly, like you I would love to only get subcutaneous fat, but alas, nobody can decide what kind of fat you get and where it gets put on, your body decides that, everybody has another map and definition for that and as far as I have experienced, in the many years as a feeder and feedee, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO CHANGE THE PLACE WHERE IT PUTS ON. Your body will get the shape it will get. But there are variations, everybody is unique and you will be able to tell if it is unhealthy, because if it does not raise your blood pressure, and does nothing to your blood work, then you are healthy and even the "bad" fat that grows inside won't harm you. You have to use a more scientific method of thinking: Many people sadly don't. They just think to know that being fat is being unhealthy, they never go research how, they just believe it. And when I ask them when they want to lose weight "hmm, do you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or diabetes?" and they answer no, I then ask them "why do you think you are unhealthy then?" and they don't have an answer to it.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

Thanks for much for all the resourceful links, I will dig through them, always good to keep up to date on the facts. As I love extreme obesity, both in my feedees and me and strong gaining, this is a very important concern of mine.
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

When do you start noticing the effects of Olive oil,i started 2 days ago...
7 years
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