Fat experiences

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Absolutely. It's a relatively new feeling for me, and I'm surprised I'm enjoying them as much as I do! It's like they weren't noticeable at all, and then one day — BOUNCE!

When I'm walking around, I'll catch a glimpse of myself in a store window or a mirror, and do a quick double take. It's not like they're huge or anything, but there's a curve where there wasn't one before.
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

One of my favourite things is when I'm driving and hit a bumpy bit if road and I can feel them bouncing around in my shirt.

I know right? It is enough to make me enjoy driving on roads under construction or on rough gravel roads, 😃
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Love them, so much fun! I have always loved them on women and then, when gaining, I found a big surprise to also get them, I wonder how large they will still get. It is especially fun since my female feeder is totally into very large moobs. She voiced the desire that mine should get larger than hers, and well, hers are large ;-)
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Absolutely! It took me awhile for mine to start growing, but as I get bigger, they seem to be growing more rapidly. at this rate, I'll need a bikini this summer rather than swim trunks!
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Absolutely! It took me awhile for mine to start growing, but as I get bigger, they seem to be growing more rapidly. at this rate, I'll need a bikini this summer rather than swim trunks!

I'm waiting for that to happen to me!
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Keep eating. "The girls" (what I call my boobs) didn't start to appear until about 30 lbs ago
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

To be honest, I am a little embarrassed about mine when I think about how they appear to others, but I really like them on myself. So fun feeling them bounce around with every step.
8 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

as a proud owner of a big pair of manboobs: i LOVE them! so much fun to play with!
7 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

I wear a bra sometimes, but I am a small 38B. I don't need one, I just like them.
7 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

Definitely do! Was embarrased about them when they started to grow, but as I go bigger. I began to think about how great they are. I am proud of them and hope they continue to grow with the rest of me.
6 years
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