
Documenting weight gain

oh hehe interesting i wonder if you had this effect on him ;-)
8 years

Documenting weight gain

Take series of comparable photos as you gain. By comparable, I mean have some standard poses that you repeat very precisely every time.

A lot of people will take gaining photos, but they'll be standing in one sitting in the other, lying down in the makes it very hard to see if they're gaining.

If you feel this would compromise your creative side, note that you can still take spontaneous photos or one-offs; just don't neglect the standardized poses while you're at it!
8 years

Documenting weight gain

Of course the Wall Test would be fun over time:

Hard to photograph but well worth the trouble!
8 years

Documenting weight gain

You know the standard stretching position where you have one leg straight in front of you, the other bent, and you bring your chest as close to your knee as you can?

That smiley How far can you actually reach as you do the stretch, how much your growing belly is squeezed, etc. I think it would be pretty cool.
8 years

Documenting weight gain

I would love some kind of real life roleplay ;-) with a nice girl over a long time period or for ever ^^.

The general goal would be for me to see some small gains in my gf and even try to encourage our eating habits. Over time she would find out about my likings and would get so horny but this new idea of making me horny by only gaining a few and seduce me to eat more and more with her together only to make up some sophisticated fattening plot in which she plans to monitor every little gain and change in clothes fitting, fitness movements (if ;-) ) and fitness exercises compared to her in form of little bets and games .......with the sexy price of the one loosing has to gain a certain amount in a certain time all by a desired plot of the winner^^.

But because of my gf being so much more focused on my weight gain and more sphositicated in seducing me to o what she likes me to, she will find more and more ways to let out my inner desire to gain and get teased by her that there will be a point where she will be fitter and able to kind of overpowerme in a fun wrestling game (maybe exhausting me before a lot with some exercises and using my overconfident bahavior against my little weak gf who somehow looks so fit and juicy these last weeks ;-) ......but then again i only can remember us being in the dark every evening and me beeing only fcused on eating enough to get my "reward" .

Times where i chased her chubby curves around the table to prove her how fast I am.

Or times where i would join her on an exercise routine in the morning to show her how easy such girl exercises are. Are ago some weeks already since i never could make myself get up early enough to koin my gf for breakfast. So i rather ate the whole rich fattening breakfast she prepared for me by watching her to follow some chubby fitness trainer on the tv for some easy low impact exercises and enjoy her jiggling curves not realizing how much i ate by watching her.

Then she would present me every measurement and fitness vid made over time to show me how clothes and jiggling body areas changed and tease me sweet and naughty.

I would love to compare pics of us and especially to make some kind of 5 minute fitness vid repeatedly over time to see the change when adding about 20lbs or so .....

Is there any girl out there who would like such fantasy i wonder ;-)?

have a nice day all^^
8 years

Documenting weight gain

I like when there is a commentary and a weight number accompanying the photo And especially for FF the Date. This site rounds off weeks months and years in such a way that tracking progress is extremely difficult.
So something like. 8-18-2016.Started drinking a quart of cream 4 days a week. It's really working. Now weighing 219.etc.
8 years

Documenting weight gain

A time lapse video. A photo everyday or almost every day, always in the same pose,then edited into a video.
Nobody did it yet, as far as I've seen. There are a few time lapse videos about pregnancy, and about growing hair, but not about gaining weight.
8 years

Documenting weight gain

A time lapse video. A photo everyday or almost every day, always in the same pose,then edited into a video.
Nobody did it yet, as far as I've seen. There are a few time lapse videos about pregnancy, and about growing hair, but not about gaining weight.

This. It's the holy grail.
8 years

Documenting weight gain

Also, you could check out this site, it's a collection of reference images for different heights and weights:

There are plenty of unfilled slots, especially on the heavier side. Also, many of the photos are not that great. It would be amazing to fill it with photos of beautiful and smiling people. Just take care to no post naked pics or other, more
"explicit" material. Swimsuits seem to be ok if done tastefully.
8 years