Extreme obesity


With as extreme as some of our goals are I am wondering if getting unhealthy is what some desire or is it just something you accept?

For some, getting unhealthy is definitely part of the excitement.

For myself, my feeder and I are very health-conscious - organic food, limit processed sugars and trans fats, don't blow the blood pressure through the roof by eating too much sodium, etc. We also walk for at least an hour every day, swim at least once a week, etc.

That being said, I want to be fat and get fatter. Luckily, my health has been good so far - no heart issues, no blood pressure problems, no diabetes, etc.... how much is due to luck of genetics & diet etc? Who knows. But I am taking it carefully, and see a doctor for a checkup at least once a year.

Still, at my size, I get winded after walking very far. Stairs are my enemy. Just rolling over in bed is a chore... but some of this stuff is a turn on, too, both for me and my feeder.
8 years


I would be as huge as I possibly could if I didn't have to work! Everytime I get over 200lbs, I get embarrassed at how out of shape I am at work...but so turned on at home. So I just accept that being unhealthy is part of it, but at the moment, that is limiting my gaining.
8 years


If I ever do develop heart problems as a result of gaining, I intend to simply let it take its course. The last thing I want is to further tax an overburdened healthcare system because of my own choices.
8 years


As I just said on a different forum post: I do not want to be healthy. But I do want to be happy. I like my fetish. It is my body and no one is encouraging me to put that mass on. That is a conscious choice. I derive an immense amount of pleasure from it.
I am not on here for fantasy I am here for manifat destiny. I cannot explain why I love it so much but I really do. If I have to live thin and miserable for 30+ years that's not living and that quality of life will be lacking but if I can live in a true and loving relationship and only make it 10-15 years instead of 30. Well then stick a funnel in me there's softening to be done.
8 years


I've gone back and forth about this for years and eventually accepted the fact that I want to be extremely fat, whenever I lose weight I get depressed and nothing makes me happier than having the freedom to eat whatever I want without a care in the world.

Things like heart disease and diabetes do concern me. But I also get a massive thrill from other side effects associated with rapid weight gain like shortness of breath, and becoming slower and slower as I pack on the pounds.
8 years


I am happy to be fat, I have shortage of breath when moving fast or is in need to pick up some items.
I am in great difficulties to put socks to my legs, but still I am not unhappy with my fat body.
8 years


Honestly, health issues are a major turn on. Be it in myself or others. Just the fact that gluttony and fat has taken over that much, that their weight has gotten so out of control... Its amazing. I wish I could find others that agree. I'd love to find a female feeder to expand my body and degrade my health.
I agree smiley totally!
8 years


Although this post is old there are many examples of cultural fatting practices in Africa etc...with women well over 200lbs , and "normal" healthy weight ranges...with 0 health issues/ concerns. These women fatten from goat milk, coucous, oatmeal etc....at the end of the day..Regardless of societies standards, traditional practices, or culture ...we make our own decisions and create our only quality of life...that's the beauty of being a individual :-)
7 years


I can certainly see how it isn't for everyone, but for me I enjoy small signs of being unhealthy, like getting out of breath easily or fat getting in the way of things. I was also kind of excited when i first crossed into obesity on weight charts and along with that my triglycerides went up... but weren't too high I guess. There is something exciting about having been so health conscious and fit and then just letting go and seeing the signs. Personally, I wouldn't be a fan of major health problems though, neither in myself or a partner.
7 years


Honestly, health issues are a major turn on. Be it in myself or others. Just the fact that gluttony and fat has taken over that much, that their weight has gotten so out of control... Its amazing. I wish I could find others that agree. I'd love to find a female feeder to expand my body and degrade my health.

Same, I day dream of fat clogging my arteries n organs..
7 months
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