
Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

I really can't wait for the day I hit 400 pounds! I was wondering, could anyone here who's that big tell me a bit about what life is like at that size? What's good, and what's bad? I'd love to know!
8 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

I'm not 400 pounds but I bet your capacity would be huge at that size. I'm sure one would have plenty of belly to play with and take up so much space.
8 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

I really can't wait for the day I hit 400 pounds! I was wondering, could anyone here who's that big tell me a bit about what life is like at that size? What's good, and what's bad? I'd love to know!

Things I like about being over 400 lbs:
Feeling BIIIIG. Having been thin, just the feeling of bigness is a wonderful thing to me. The feeling of fat is nice too, the way it moves, its squishiness. Being "trained" to eat so much, because food is wonderful! And some people wouldn't like this, but I love the reaction I get from others because of my size. smiley
Oh, and fat sex is the best sex, and getting turned on has never been easier for me than at this size.

Things I don't like:
Summer. It's hot here right now, really hot. I get sweaty at the best of times, but this week has been awful. Feeling BIG is nice, but sometimes feeling HEAVY is just a drain. Walking is getting tougher, just moving around is hard work. Stairs are a real nuisance, they are probably the worst thing for me, because I have stairs at home. And while I love some of the mobility restrictions of being fat from an erotic perspective (ie: love feeling that my fat is "trapping" me in some way), it's not so much fun when you drop your wallet on the floor and now you have to pick it up. :/
Oh, and family reactions and advice. smiley
8 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

...400 means you're that much closer to 500
8 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

...400 means you're that much closer to 500

It does??? I never knew at what point immobility would creep in.
7 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

Good info and interesting perspective. I'm on my way there too. smiley

That's a lovely goal. Are you looking for help getting there?
7 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

...400 means you're that much closer to 500

Good point.
3 months

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

At 400 male and your height you should not have much day to day issues. Clothes will be restricted in style and options. At 400 do not plan to do a 10 km hike with lots of step stairs.
3 months

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

I can’t remember what it felt like being 400 pounds, but I can say that at my current size I’ve experienced quite the restriction in physical activity, things that I know I CAN still do however not having the want to do it. I guess I can say I’ve gotten lazier and lazier and there’s really no cons towards that, not yet at-least!
3 months

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

As long as you can still move around and do the things you love. And look at yourself in the mirror and be pleased.
3 months
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