Fat experiences

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Of course haha. Krispy Kreme is a lifestyle for me.
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

I've done a box of half a dozen quite a few times. Did a box of a dozen on a road trip once, thought I'd go through them over a couple of hours but they were gone in under 45 minutes. But I tend to find that much sugar and crappie fats doesn't leave me so good after, so I don't do it very often.
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Yes, I've eaten 3 boxes in one sitting just the other day I love junk food though
and I know your capable of more smiley
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Yes, I like to do it while i am in dunkin donuts for the looks and easy access to more if I feel the urge
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

A few times actually. Feeling kinda varies tho depending on how the sugar hits me but usually feels good being so round and stuffed.
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

I have
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

I have.
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Of Course. Isn't one of the first things you do when you finally decide to get fat!!
8 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

I have eaten whole boxes of donuts before :3 and boy did that make me feel goooood!!
7 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Alright, all this talk about donuts has made me crave them. Anyone have any in my area, Northern Virginia? It would have to be. boxes and boxes, not singles.
7 years
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