
Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

I definitely love the idea of a good stuffing, especially with girls. I love the idea of bringing a girl home, stuffing her with five courses worth of good food, and then letting her sprawl out moaning on my couch, pants unbuckled and in the midst of a food coma. smiley

As for people getting on your case about "not being a real feeder", pay them no mind. Your kinks are your business, and there's no shame in it.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Different strokes for different folks, it's all good in the neighbourhood. Frankly, the idea of telling someone that they're "doing it wrong" when it comes to a fetish is laughable. I think you'd be hard pressed to find two people on this site whose fetish manifests itself in exactly the same way. I don't think anyone deserves to be shamed or their authenticity doubted because they like X but not Y.

Obviously the guys are on the offensive because you went for the honest "Actually it's a little more nuanced than that..." rather than indulging them and telling them what they wanted to hear. Which, as you have said, is not cool.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

I don't enjoy the weight gain aspect of it. I don't enjoy feeling fat, just really full.

In fact if it wasn't for the unintentional weight gain I would stuff myself silly on a daily basis.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

I'm probably the type of feedee that would go well with a feeder who is more into stuffing than weight gain. The tight full belly has always been more of the allure to me than the weight gain part. I mean in some respects they do go hand in hand of course, eating enough food for 4 grown men's diet for a whole day in one sitting does tend to pack on the pounds. But weight gain isn't the impetus for my binging. Sometimes I just want to feel full and sexy but usually I also want to make a feeder proud and turned on by my gluttony.

Something I've found myself doing is couching my picture comments and messages more toward the weight gain side of things because most feeders seem to see stuffing not as an end to itself but a tool to get to the weight gain. I'd say I'd had similar conversations about not being a real feedee because I didn't want to gain weight. I've let that go a little bit (and let my waistline go a bit too!) and found that more women are willing to talk to me now.

So long answer but no you aren't alone in this.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

I have been into to gaining for a year or so now. I, of course enjoy it. I do love the stuffing/bingeing part, as just a turn on. Getting full and then seeing what else I can stuff into my belly is a great turn on for me. It doesn't matter if the binge/stuffing session results in gaining weight or not, it just a fun turn on.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Does any one else also like the stuffing aspect? The being full, pigging out, over indulging? Or am I really completely alone and 'not a real feeder'?

No, this is all part of it! I don't know why anyone would get on your case about being interested in one aspect of the fetish and not another.. everyone is a little different, right? That's what keeps things interesting!

For myself, the acts of eating, gaining and sex have become so intertwined that the act of eating (and especially of feeling full, being stuffed, or even being forced to be stuffed "beyond my limit"smiley makes me very aroused. Even talking about it gets me excited!

Just thinking about it right now, knowing breakfast is on its way any minute now is actually getting me nice 'n firm! smiley
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Hey, after a few less than pleasant comments from others in conversations I wondered if it was unusual for me to find the stuffing aspect of this fetish 'the exciting part.' I don't necessarily like weight gain - that's not what I look to achieve but I understand that stuffing often causes that and it doesn't mean that I don't like it when a guy has a gut there permanently - if anything it makes the whole contrast thing last a little longer. However, I don't get turned on by the thought of someone gaining weight; for me its very much the overindulgence side of things. I like it when someone purposefully over eats, I like it when someone is over full and keeps eating for me, and I like seeing the changes to their belly - watching it swell and expand or grow taunter and tighter. I also like everything that goes along with that - all the things that happen when you're stuffed silly.

But, on this community I can be treated a little strangely - border line... in fact no quite literally offensively by some members in messages etc. When they ask me questions such as "How fat do you want to make me?" or "How much more weight should I gain?" I am always honest in such questions (and fairly clear on my profile I think) and I explain that its not necessarily the weight gain that I enjoy but the feeding and stuffing aspect so I'm never sure how to answer. I've been called 'not a real feeder', told 'you're just like a chef then' and 'but how can you say that when stuffing causes weight gain so you must like it' as well as various forms of pressure (which is pretty uncool by the way - I am all for the ability to explore ones fetishes, this is what this site is for after all, but if I express a disinterest or an uncomfortablness in what exactly you like please don't try to manipulate me).

Now, don't get me wrong I am happy to indulge a guy if he wants to gain weight - in fact some of my favorite people on here have huge bellies and gain too but it's just not the exact bit of the fetish I find most alluring (a happy coincidence that these guys can over eat too). I could go on but this forum post is already endlessly long.

So my question is am I really alone on this? Does any one else also like the stuffing aspect? The being full, pigging out, over indulging? Or am I really completely alone and 'not a real feeder'?
We will always be defined by the norm and the norm for the room is about gaining and numbers. I LOVE the gaining aspect of it myself, but for me it's not about the numbers, it's about eating for pleasure and enjoyment. The gaining is collateral to the eating for enjoyment. So I'm not exactly within the norm for this community either, I just accept what and who I am and try to co-exist!
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

I think I operate along some of the same lines, in that, I would rather be encouraged to stuff, or complimented on how much I ate, or how much my belly grew from empty, than on how fat I am Being stuffed turns me on about myself, other people being fat is sexy separately from that.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Stuffing by itself is definitely a turn on for me.
I think there is a connection between wanting to be physically satisfied (sometimes more than satisfied) with food and wanting to be satisfied sexually.
The weight gain part only factors in as a result of stuffing, the actual weight itself is not a turn on for me.
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

It turns me on more to think about a man pigging out just because he wants to.

Haha That is fun! I also like woman doing that, and I think it'd be fun to do it mutually and just pig out together because... we just want to!
7 years
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