
Year long weight control contract with a feedee

Just finished a year long weight control with a feedee. We met on fet life but she also had an account on here.

We started to date but then realized we weren't an ideal match. But we would still see each other from time to time to break bread. It was during one of these meals where I told her that I had controlled a girls weight once but that it was only for a brief time and that I'd love to do it for a year or longer. She was really excited about he idea of having her weight controlled and every time we would talk she would bring it up. One night I finally asked her if she wanted to do it. She said that she did and the next night she came over and we agreed on the terms.

The terms were that I was to have 100% control over her weight for one year. She could not back out of it. I would decide how much she ate and how often. We lived only 15 minutes from each other Which made it really easy anytime I wanted to take her out to eat.

She is 5'5 and at the beginning she was 180 lbs. She was chubby with a pear shaped body. She had never been over 180 before.

I immediately put her on a 3500 calorie a day diet. I told her she could eat what she wanted when she was not around me but it had to add up to 3500. On top of that I would take her out to eat three nights a week. We mostly went to eat fast food. For instance one night I texted her at 10 pm and asked if she wanted to go eat. We went to Wendy's and I stuffed her with burgers and fries. Then on the way back to her apartment we stopped at a supermarket and I got a box of ice cream sandwiches. I told her they had to be gone by the next night when I would come over with dinner.

After two months she was 195 lbs. By the fourth month she 210 lbs and it was really starting to set in that she was going to get really fat, something she had long thought about, but never really had the courage to go through with it.

By eight months she was 245 lbs and the changes in her body were pretty significant. She got fat thunder thighs, and her hips widened. Her ass got big and dimply and her belly formed into rolls with a thick tire of fat that hung over her waist. When she put on jeans she tucked her fat tire into them. When she walked in the nude the fat on her hips shook up and down. She had no complaints about how fat she was getting. It turned her in immensely. Her only complaint was the expense of buying new clothes. Eventually she just started wearing baggy jumpsuits and stretchy stuff.

At 10 months she was 263 lbs. I knew I only had two months to go and that 300 was a possibility but I really wanted to see her hit 280 lbs that would be 100 in a year.

She was getting really embarrassed by how fat she was getting and there were times where I know she tried to eat less. But the last few months I was always bringing her food and at the two month left mark I started to make her chug down high calorie shakes.

By the end up of the contract she was 275 lbs. she was ridiculous jiggly and fat all over. She developed a double chin and flabby upper arms and her stomach aproned. When she sat down she had a fat spread that took up more space.

I asked her if she wanted to go another year. She declined and said she was going to lose the weight. The first couple months after the contract ended she dropped like 15 lbs. But since then the weight has packed back on. The eating habits I made her develop have stuck with her. She can't resist late night fast food runs, pints of Ben and jerrys, iced lattes etc.

After this experience there is nothing more intoxicatingly than watching a slightly chubby girl become a fat porker.

If I'd o this again with another willing participant I'm going to insist on two years.
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

I think this just goes to show, as has been discussed on other threads, that once you gain weight, it is unlikely anyone will lose it and keep it off. There are both physical reasons, plus the enjoyment of eating anything you want.
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

This was an awesome read! Where do I sign up? lol
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

Did this really happen omg so hot!
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

In my younger days I tried this with online people, but none of them had the courage to stick with it for more than a few weeks.

Such is life.
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

This was a great post, thank you. I really wish someone would take control of my weight, and make me huge. A hundred pounds in a year would be awesome!
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

Yes, I would like a contact myself.
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

I've tried these in the past, people always, without fail, back out.
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

Basicly, it comes down to how to ensure complience. How might that be achieved?
7 years

Year long weight control contract with a feedee

People don't have the discipline to do this. If they do. I haven't met anyone who could handle it.

It's a sad state of affairs sometimes.
7 years
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