
Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

It depends on the situation. Did you sort of drift apart, or was there an argument and real reason for breaking up? If you are both single and looking, there is no reason why you can't give it another try. It can work out, especially since you have the FA/BBW connection now. Physical attraction is an important start to a relationship. If you keep dating, your non-physical connection will either keep it going, or will bring it to an end. Good luck, and keep us updated.
8 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

So ... how did it go?
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

Way to go King. My respect I wish I were at your shoes.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

A. Awesome!

B. Why did you two break up originally, and is that apt to be a problem again?
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

Answer all questions.

Don't get back together.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

King of Geeks:
So she messaged me asking some very specific questions

"When we wee together when I put on weight did you like it?"

"Are you really a chubby chaser?"

"I really liked last week we should do it again soon"

"Are you free this week?"

So basically she wants to see each other and it sounds like the whole bbw / weight issue is on her mind.

Any thoughts?

Personally? I'd give it a go. Take it slowly at first, have some fun together. Talk about why it didn't work before, see if compromises can be reached. Agree boundaries. Have lots of fat sex.

A relationship is like an Ikea wardrobe; it looks great in the showroom, but then you take it home and discover you've got to take time to put it all together. The manual is difficult to follow and a few early mistakes make it seem like it'll never look the way you want it.

But take your time and learn from the mistakes and before long you'll have built the wardrobe of your dreams.

Ikea: Wardrobes of your dreams.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

I would keep it going. If it works out, and you can't come to some agreement or compromise on the live for today thing, then at least you have a friend and a F*** buddy. It sounds like she wants to gain more weight,
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

All just IMO:

I would be completely honest and open .... You have a rare chance to know the person somewhat but also start over fresh.

In fact, you could print her here or to Fernie or something, and say to be honest, this is my scene. She might run away, she might be thrilled. At the least she seems somewhat open to the concept right now, so that is a good start smiley

Just make sure you have some good boundaries around the money issues, to keep that from growing into a problem again.
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

I'm happy for you
7 years

Bumped into my ex - now i'm freaking out

I don't see why everyone is so pessimistic about this. Finding someone with a very strong physical attraction can lead to something serious. And even if it doesn't, it can be a lot of fun. People are more willing to bend if they really want the relationship to work.
7 years
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