Extreme obesity

What ideas turn you on?

Making my feede as massive and comfortable as possible. I would massage his bulging stomach and feed him all the best food. I would feed him 4 dozen of my peanut butter banana cupcakes a day slathered in peanut butter cream cheese frosting (hand made of course) we would cuddle and watch movies together as I feed him and pamper him. Eventually his body would swell to massive dimensions and his weight would be a fabulous four digit amount. (If no rules or real life boundaries) the idea of my own 2 ton+ feede excites me.

Oh God this would turn me on so much. This scenario and the one I posted on the other board in response to your query would be my ultimate relationship experience.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Of course all the while the recipient is compliant and will be undressed so to have all fat areas exposed and ready to be massaged, all while gorging on snacks.[/quote]

Having all fat areas exposed and massaged would add a wonderful dimension to the feeding and fattening experience.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Making my feede as massive and comfortable as possible. I would massage his bulging stomach and feed him all the best food. I would feed him 4 dozen of my peanut butter banana cupcakes a day slathered in peanut butter cream cheese frosting (hand made of course) we would cuddle and watch movies together as I feed him and pamper him. Eventually his body would swell to massive dimensions and his weight would be a fabulous four digit amount. (If no rules or real life boundaries) the idea of my own 2 ton+ feede excites me.

Oh, if only...

Wonderful fantasy!
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

If you don't stop eating like this you will need 24 hour care as you will be too fat to do anything for yourself. Most probably you will attract a feeder as your carer with predictable consequences.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

i would be really turned on if a girl really could amke me gain amounts of weight so i realize i canĀ“t do a certain amount of situps push ups anymore or even do less than her if she is into fitness .....

or when i realize she is so good in interwining food and sex that i start eating mindlessly when she wants make me eat and even wins when i try to resist .....

or......when she grins seeing me struggle with somethign what was very easy for me 20 pounds ago .......

The secret even devilish thoughts of a girl who tries to fatten me up and her eagerness to weight measure me and copare her own fitness and thight body to my softer form ........

and of course clothes getting to tight and your gf camming you in them after making you crazy enough to bet you can still fit into them ^^

of course if you loose she can stuff you like she likes to ^^ ;-) that would be very hot, too
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Struggling to fit through doorways, being too big for clothes, having mounds of fat so large and cumbersome that I can no longer walk more than a few steps without becoming severely winded
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Struggling to fit through doorways, being too big for clothes, having mounds of fat so large and cumbersome that I can no longer walk more than a few steps without becoming severely winded

ALL of this. And feeling all of me jiggling and wobbling the whole time...UNF.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Feeling my fat (or the one of a feedee) grow really fast and being scared of gaining too fast, but then getting so hot about it and wishing it, because I know that is what I want.
Getting stretch marks as a badge of being a feedee or seeing a feedee get them because she is growing so fast.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Having somebody in here or on Feabie actually show interest and hold a conversation, instead of being ignored when you send them a mail. Not direct turn on but less frustration ;-)
7 years

What ideas turn you on?

I am wet just reading all these....but it has always been my fantasy to find someone (preferably Male but would love the idea of a ssbbw) who is extremely large already and wants to gain, but also have sexual dominance.
THinking of:

Rubbing my pussy all over your huge belly while i hand feed you cake, then have you eat the cake off my pussy

laying you back so i can find your dick, and letting you funnel feel frosting while i suck you dry from below

you licking peanut butter, honey, icing, syrup, ANYTHING off my pussy

having you so helpless that you need me to do everything-clean, bathe, feed, please you-but you enjoy this

Basically some Jaba the hut scenario, where i'm the sexy Leia, and my pussy drips wet everything i get to feed or please you.

so any ladies/gents willing??

Oh God I would love to experience all of this. Just reading it turns me on beyond belief.
7 years
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