
Not looking at scale?

She has to decide how much (if any) and how fast she gains.
7 years

Not looking at scale?

When a gainer gets all wrapped up in the numbers game, plateaus can be VERY discouraging. Thing is, plateaus are inevitable. Point being, you can tell your girl friend is gaining if her clothes are getting too tight for her, she's finding it harder and harder to move around, and she's just getting BIGGER, no matter WHAT the scale says!
7 years

Not looking at scale?

Might as well post it in this thread, but another tip for new gainers is to not look at the scale often. It's going to be tempting to want to weigh yourself every day, but it's better to do it every few days instead. You fluctuate so much in water weight and whatnot that you can easily go from a few pounds up one day, to a few pounds down the next.

Make sure you do your weighing in a consistent manner too. If you weigh yourself with no clothes and completely empty in the morning on one day, then do that exact same thing at the same time the next time.

I know this all seems like obvious stuff, but I've seen a lot of gainers getting discouraged over false information from this kind of stuff. smiley
7 years

Not looking at scale?

Just keep tabs on which of her clothes fit. Don't let her throw away clothes that are too tight.
7 years

Not looking at scale?

Loose clothing (mumu,s, cover-alls, and elastic waist pants), could be used to hide gains from the feedee.
7 years

Not looking at scale?

I've found that scale watching tends to discourage gaining in the long run. People get turned on as the numbers go up and up and that's wonderful, but they get equally upset when the numbers stay the same or, gasp, go down. You can tell your girl friend is getting fat just by looking at her. When you get intimate, you can feel the new pounds and inches. That's a bigger turn on than what any scale can say!
7 years

Not looking at scale?

I agree with this too, it’s really nice when your significant other acknowledges your gain. My girlfriend will ask me to weigh myself every so often, that helps with not having to look at the scale as much. She will Say things like “looks like someone is getting a little chub chub” which I find really cute lol.

I used to look at the scale everyday it seemed and I would get easily discouraged by falling numbers, especially with how my weight fluctuates. So learned to not worry about the numbers and to be more casual with the weight gain.
4 years

Not looking at scale?

Ofeedeeus Complex:
My girlfriend recently told me that, while she still wants to gain a lot of weight, she doesn't want to look at a scale. She's gained about ten to fifteen pounds in three months(currently 135 I believe), and She's comfortable with taking her time.

How can I ensure she keeps gaining, and how long does it usually take? Our goal is 180-200 lbs in a 5'4" body.

In agreement with the other commenters that you don’t have to weigh every day.
Unlike the other commenters, I want to acknowledge that she might be nervous about gaining even if she says she wants to... Coming from a smaller size, it can be scary...

One way to make it fun, when you do weigh her — have her wear a blindfold whenever you weigh or measure her. Turn it into a playful sexy time. Don’t let her see those numbers.

Thats naughty....
4 years

Not looking at scale?

I used to look at the scale daily, but stopped for reason others have mentioned. I hit a plateau between the 1st and 2nd week of my current gaining cycle, and looking at that scale every day got incredibly depressing.

I now just check the scale one a week to report my progress, and that's good enough.
3 years