
Pardon my feabie rant...

I couldn't agree with you more. To me, charging someone to get them sexually exciting borders on prostitution. Secondly, it takes all the fun away if someone is doing it for money rather than personal enjoyment. Plus, if I am chatting with someone, I wonder if I am wasting their time (and mine) because they are going to hit me up for something. I find someone who enjoys gaining interesting. I find someone who is gaining for money boring. And don't forget, a guy can pretend to be a woman and get money.
8 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I have mixed feelings about Feabie... I met my boyfriend on there, and he's literally the greatest thing since cheesecake was invented 😍 However, our first messages were sent on here. Because of the social network nature of Feabie, people tend to have more info about themselves available, be it on their profiles or by their engagement on the site. It isn't a fetish oriented as FF (because it's been promoted as a BBW/BHM and FA dating site on the App Stores), so people tend to participate more. Because of that he was able to stand out as someone worth having a chat with, and the rest is history smiley

BUT THE DRAMA!! OMG! I cannot stand the amount of bitching and bad attitudes on that site. It's the no. 1 thing that keeps me away, although I can't recommend using the site-wide filter hard enough if anyone wants to make it work better for them. I'm not sure, but I think there might be an option to exclude professional profiles..?

I found that Feabie was what I made of it - using it as a dating site only really worked out for me! Everything else I've tried getting into on there has cost me a bit of my faith in humanity every time... 😓
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I think it is funny when people love the people on one site, but hate them on another. It's pretty much the same people. The difference is how the web site is run. On FF, they do not allow begging for money, on Feabie they do, which is one difference. Each site has its own strong points, as far as what is available, and what is free vs. what is available for members. The best thing is to enjoy both sites, and ignore the people you don't like.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

There is a lot of ego on that site. God forbid someone has a different opinion than some of those people. They'll chop your balls off.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I signed up for Feabie right when the site first went up. Within a week or so it became very clear that the community was quite passive aggressive and hostile to each other. I haven't been on there in A LONG time, but I'm not thinking it has gotten any better due to these comments.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I've had mostly good experiences on feabie. It came as I was of age to be active on these kind of sites. I stay out of drama. For the most part it's fairly innocent talk about food. I've had good experiences, love the chat option and have had very interesting and explorative conversations. its an imperfect community but it's felt the most active.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

Feabie is great and everything the community should be. My only problem is that you can't filter new pics by gender. Sorry guys, but your distended bellies make my dick shrink.
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I was surprised when I posted a comment or a question what hostility and abrasion came back at me, not friendly or nice and I was wondering what was eating people that they react like this?
7 years

Pardon my feabie rant...

I was surprised when I posted a comment or a question what hostility and abrasion came back at me, not friendly or nice and I was wondering what was eating people that they react like this?

pun intended?

Hmm, yeah, I guess you could say that, I did not even realize I made this one. ;-)

I have to say I feel the same: these business people turn me off. For me feeding and being fed, making others gain and gaining myself is a passion and love, not a business.
I often wonder if these people are real or just doing it for the money, but it also feels a little like prostitution to me, people abusing and cashing in on the difficulty to find partners in the field of feeding and making it even harder through it. I have not thought about the financial line running through everything, but now it makes a lot of sense. In my view, the feedism field should be allowed to develop freely, becoming more mainstream and easier, before restricting it and using it for some people's selfish strive for more and more profit. it might be the difference between FF being in the UK and Feabie being in the US / Canada, where money rules above all else and everything is commercialized to the extreme. I have run my own website (extremfeeding) for decades now and most of the time paid for hosting myself, having no income from the site and I did that because for me I wanted to grow the feedism field and give it more acceptance and not curtail it through making it expensive for users. For me it is a cause I care greatly about, it is not something that I can separate from me, it is big part of me, especially now that I'm growing myself.
7 years