Extreme obesity

Do any men want to be immobile

im interested in going past immobility but ive got a very long waybto go
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I wouldn't want to be immobile. However, I'd love to discover the feeling and sensations of being *barely* mobile--where every physical activity is a struggle or a negotiation (...at least in 'fantasy-land'.)
9 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Immobility is something that is best fantasized about for me.

In a fantasy, you don't live there and have to deal with the lifestyle changes that are necessary and the support that is needed for that individual.

I'd rather not shut myself off from the outside world, unless I manage some incredible miracle situation comes around - and even then, I'd be probably checking off my bucket list of things before I settle into something like immobility.
9 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Immobility is something that is best fantasized about for me.

In a fantasy, you don't live there and have to deal with the lifestyle changes that are necessary and the support that is needed for that individual.

I'd rather not shut myself off from the outside world, unless I manage some incredible miracle situation comes around - and even then, I'd be probably checking off my bucket list of things before I settle into something like immobility.

9 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Initially I though that would be too much, that my limit was much closer to where I am now than immobility...

...many pounds later, I find the idea far more enticing. I don't know why that is? Now it no longer seems out of the question.
9 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I would like to be near immobile to so that I wouldnt burden my partner but near enough for it to feel like it when i sot or lay down.
9 years

Do any men want to be immobile

While I would not want to be immobile in real life, the "fantasy" of becoming so is really appealing for me at times. I imagine myself being a King and having a court of beautiful women attending to my every need. They feed me, bath me and make love to me while I grow ever fatter. Soon I become completely immobile and they have to attend to my every need which includes massaging my belly whenever I have completely stuffed myself. I spend my days being fed by my court, ruling my kingdom and living a life of complete gluttony and sexual pleasure.
8 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I absolutely would love being fattened to immobility, but I'm not particularly fond of actually living immobile. I guess I get more excited about the journey than the destination when it comes to fat and gaining.

However, it would be incredibly hot to become temporarily immobile due to being overfed until I can't move. Enough that I could move again the next day (as long as my feeder doesn't start the next morning with another stuffing) but I'd still be bigger from the feeding.

Same to be honest. Though, if hoverchair technology (and various other sci-fi concepts) would hurry up, I'd be more into actually becoming immobile.
8 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Oh, hello. My name may say "fantasy" at the end.. but i'm fully prepared to live it out if given the opportunity.
7 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Somewhere inside of me there is a question how life would be if I kept gaining more and more my whole life. If there was a woman who fed me constantly. Would it be great, would it be boring. I know from my feeder side, I would enjoy it to feed a woman bigger and bigger even until she can't move. Sex would be challenging.

I think about it more often lately how it would be to eat everything I could without getting full. That part definately would be awesome!
7 years
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