
Thyroid condition

Hi guys, I've recently been diagnosed with a rather serious thyroid and metabolism condition that's going to cause me to gain a lot of weight.
The only other case of this condition that the doctors have seen gained 300lbs in 6 months.

The doctors say I should go on a diet of 2500 calories a day.
I'm kinda tempted to just go all out and eat as much as I can (my goal is to one day be immobile).
7 years

Thyroid condition

2500 calories a month? That's around the recommended daily value per day.
7 years

Thyroid condition

Yeah, apparently while on meds if I drop below that I risk lowering my metabolism, which would counter-act the meds.
7 years

Thyroid condition

I think I'm missing something. It sounds like your doctors are recommending that you eat a minimum of 2,500 calories per day (and not per month), right?
7 years

Thyroid condition

Yes! sorry, my mistake, just corrected it
7 years

Thyroid condition

That sound's crazy. But why not go for seems as though this is something you will love.

I would say on a light day I eat 3000-3500 calories easy....if I eat a lot and have some more fattening things it is usually around 4500-5000 calories.
If I were to try and stuff I am sure I could do 8000-10000 easily after a little build up.

Wow, you may be pretty damn Fat in no time.
7 years

Thyroid condition

One of the best parts of the condition is that I don't really stop feeling hungry, so starting today I've been trying to eat as much as I can, so far I think I'm at around 4k calories
7 years

Thyroid condition

I too have hypothyroid disease. I have gained weight, but the symptom that really got attention to my condition was a really low heart rate. I'm currently on thyroid medication and I have gained weight since being on the meds, though that has been deliberate. I retired from the military (reserves) nearly four years ago and slowly gaining. Be careful!
7 years