Extreme obesity

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

I grew up skinny as a kid, but always wanted to be fat. I was always fascinated whenever I saw a really fat kid - wondering what it would be like to be so big, and how much I would have to eat to get to his size.

I stayed thin, kept my gainer fantasies to myself through my teens and my early twenties. I did try a short stint of gaining around my mid twenties, but found out that I wasn't ready - I wasn't being accepting enough of how I was looking as I was putting on weight, and wasn't quite prepared for the fatigue that came with carrying the extra weight.

It wasn't until I was in my early thirties that I came into a means of going through with actually gaining to a size I'll be happy with. I came to accept myself a bit more physically and committed to gaining.

I feel a lot happier now, I think, despite having to give up some things that I liked to do physically. I used to work out for about nearly 12 years of my life, fairly regularly, and the change of intentionally getting fat wasn't comfortable at first, but I chalk that up to the discomfort of changing long standing habits.
7 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

This kind of happened to me slowly over time. Been a huge fat admirer for as long as I can remember (probably when I was around 11 or 12), and fast forward several years and I got into the idea of feederism and making someone fatter. I think the lack of actually engaging in feederism made me sort of project the idea onto myself maybe two or three years ago: what if instead of making someone else fatter, I just started gaining weight myself?

Im still very much at odds with it, I still want to stay thin and be able to get around in life without any sort of negativity in regards to my appearence as I'm incredibly insecure. But every now and then I think about being double my current weight and it's something I desperately desire. It's going to take quite the courage/encouragement for me to even get near that level, though I have unintentionally gained close to 20lbs since then, and I've been loving it and hating it at the same time for the same reasons.

Sigh....fat is too good...

Reading through your posts, I identify a lot with you. Always had a fascination with fat people, and grew up as a bean pole. When I hit puberty, I directed my fascination towards women specifically getting fat, but over time that morphed into: "I should get fat too."

There are a few things standing in my way, and part of me feels like I should stay thin and fit so I can help my already-slim dating chances, and not get ostracized by the people I know on a day to day basis who might judge. Part of the reason I've been working nose to the grindstone on academics and saving money is so I can move away, hopefully meet a special girl who's into this too, and live prosperously with a good income and an expanding waistline.

I'm still skinny yet at 130lbs and I work out for now, but I am thoroughly convinced I'm a future fat guy.
7 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

I grew up a skinny kid, then joined the military straight out of high school, always been unable to eat the way I would really like. Now I'm gaining and I'm loving it
7 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

I could relate to some of you. Most of the time it's a closeted fantasy. I had it since I was young. I love watching huge obese women and have it happen to me. It always aroused me. There's time I'll want to happen to me in real life. There's health risk. Men in the real world don't dig fat chicks (most I encountered). I've gained but got copped out. I often wondered how huge I would've gotten had I let myself go. In a perfect I'd weigh 300 to 400 a morbidly obese woman. I'd love to go from hot thin girl to A fat obese piggy. There's days I hope my love for sweets n fattening foods will catch up with me. I may end up as a future fat lady.

I adore fat women
7 years

Growing up a fat man in a skinny body

from the moment I could remember I have always wanted to be fat. all my life I was skinny as a stick. up to 2009, I weighed 158 at 18 years old. now I weigh 217 at 25. it is easier to gain because of my age but I really want to be 300 pounds. I would love to hear if there is anyone else that shares my story.

Definitely understand how you feel. I was fascinated with the idea of being fat growing up. As a kid I would stuff my clothes with pillows to feel fatter. I would feel this strange excitement when people would say "you're gonna get fat" when they saw my eating habits. My first "fat moment" was the first day of senior year in high school. I had basically done nothing all summer but lie around and eat pizza. I gained 20 lbs unintentionally and had a small layer of fat on my stomach for the first time. When everyone saw me they began commenting on how fat I'd gotten and poking my belly. I could not believe how big a deal they were making (I was only 180 at 6 '1"smiley. I also couldn't stop thinking about how turned on I was by the experience.

Now I'm 300 lbs and would love to see the reactions of those same people. I want to get at least 400 and show up to a reunion having gone from the skinniest guy to the fattest.
7 years