
Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

I've been gaining for about three years, and have gone from 130lbs to 185 lbs. In that time I've grown to enjoy many things in the past I'd very rarely eat. Things like soda, fast food, ice cream, junk food in general, and a lot of food in general. I'm starting to fear I won't be able to stop whenever I feel ready.

When deciding that you've gained enough, has anyone had trouble stopping? Or will my body eventually get used to the amount I'm eating and just stop gaining?
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

I had a really tough time trying to stop gaining more weight I intentionally gained a few years ago.

Mine was mainly because I was stuffing all the time and eating so much .....I completely grew my appetite so huge that I had a really difficult time trying to control my appetite when I eventually tried to stop gaining. Another thing is as your gaining you are eating so many fattening things and actually crave fast food and sweets. Trying to give up those things was almost impossible. It took a long while to readjust my eating and appetite.

I do think that it depends on how long you were gaining and eating like my case it happened to only be 4-5 months. It if you were doing this over the course of several years or longer I imagine it would be even longer to adjust eating habits and appetite if at all.
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

In my case/theory, once you start gaining, it is hard to stop. When you are gaining weight, you become used to consuming the large quantity of food which assisted your weight gain, and you don't realise how much more you eat daily to when you were thinner.

I remember beginning to put on weight this time last year, because winter always triggers me to eat more to keep warm. When spring arrived, I was about 10kgs heavier than my normal weight and I was eating almost double to what I used to. When adjusting back to my normal eating ways, my stomach felt completely empty most days, and I quickly reverted to my winter eating habits due to the hatred of my stomach growling all day. Fast forward to today and have gained over 25kgs since and have struggled to stop gaining, not that I care!
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

I've noticed that people who get in the habit of binging until they can't take a deep breath often can't stop gaining. Even if they stop binging like that, their appetites are out of control.

Binging like that is so crucial to some feedees that they take the risk anyway. It would not be my recommendation but I'm sympathetic.

(I posted a thread on this a few years ago called "Moderation". It was not a popular topic!)
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

Note that many people DO manage to stop, but they very often overshoot their goal weight by quite a bit.
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

I'm one of those people who got into the habit of binging like that, and I feel like I probably wouldnt be able to stop if I decided to one day.

How often do you binge to that point?
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

How often do you binge to that point?

Honestly? Probably daily (within the last ~9 months, mostly. couple times a week for years before)... not gonna disclose how many times a day smiley My encourager and I enjoy the more extreme end of things, however, so we don't find anything wrong with it.

It's not for everyone, but it's the purest form of feedism and if it works for you, kudos!
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

For me, once my stomach was stretched out by force-feedings and stuffings, it became inevitable. Eventually it took so much food to fill me up, I almost never felt "full."

So, yeah, it gets hard to turn it off and stop!
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

winkwink:When deciding that you've gained enough, has anyone had trouble stopping? Or will my body eventually get used to the amount I'm eating and just stop gaining?

After gaining ~80 lbs (I'm short) I hit a plateau. This has prevented me from *gaining* more, but it certainly hasn't prevented me from *eating* about 3+ times more than I did when I was thin. From months and years of near-daily stuffing with fattening foods, my appetite has a mind of its own.

Just yesterday, I was all set to eat a healthy meal and go to sleep. Well, after the healthy meal--I got HUNGRY! I had the most intense craving for pizza... I wasn't just hungry, I was *STARVING*!! This makes sense since pizza has been like 35% of my overall diet for a long time. Fortunately I was able to get pizza delivery, but I felt like a starving animal!

The fatter you get, the hungrier you tend to become. Whether or not the increased hunger results in more weight gain depends largely upon individual circumstances and characteristics.
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

This is an interesting issue. As my feedee approached my goal for him, I also have to consider how to keep his weight somewhere similar, as his appetite has massively increased from months of constant stuffing, encouragement, etc.

He seems to be settling into his fat, and sometimes his appetite is out of control. On a road trip I could hear his tummy growl, even though he had a large lunch only a short time after.
Thanks for raising this question.
7 years
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