
Second thaughts

Since most of the population is overweight, I'd say that shouldn't be a concern. Sure, there are people that have no filter on their mouths (like some of my family members) but they should be few and far between. And unless they have some control over you, ignore them. My pain specialist (from lumbar surgery) points to my belly and says "that's not helping your back". I don't let that stop me from gaining.
7 years

Second thaughts

The last month I have been eating on average 5000 calories a day. I have also stoped exercising and exerting energy. I have literally gone all out to gain weight. I have gained 23 pounds to date. My belly is bigger and I look all round bigger. Im really turned on by my weight gain and have gone out in public in tighter clothes... I still suck in my belly around friends and family and every now and again I think what am I doing? I'm so turned on by the gain and love eating but sometimes I think I must stop and start to loose the weight I gained mainly because Im worried what others will think including my wife who has no idea about this whole thing. Do others have this problem?

I have had second thoughts on my gaining. I have gained around ten pounds this summer, now up to around 230 lbs. I used to feel self-conscious when I saw photos of myself, looking heavier. I have gotten over that. I make no effort to hide my gain from my wife (she weighs over 200 lbs.) and no has commented on my weight pro or con. My last doctors check up, I had clearly gained, but no comment from my doctor at all. It really boils down to how you feel, though maybe with some input from your wife. Good luck.
7 years

Second thaughts

I'm now about to start my weight gain Journey, I'd like to gain 20 pounds in the next month but worried what people will think. Did none of your friends notice your gain? Especially your wife? Can you hide 20 pounds by sucking your belly in?
7 years