Fat experiences

Friends getting fat

I have a number of friends who are now starting to put on weight. like, A LOT of weight. One shared with me she's gained 60 pounds over the last 2 years. Since the birth of Instagram, now I can watch it happen from near or far. Some people I went to high school with I only follow on Insta so I can watch them keep getting fat. And I have to admit, it's super exciting to watch. Another friend from high school has gained about 100 lbs in the last 5 years and MY JAW IS JUST ON THE FLOOR. And when they start talking about their weight gain, Im struggling not to blush or stare, but I know I do both.

::blush:: ::stare:: ::blush::

It's totally confusing to be suddenly really really attracted to your friends you've had for a decade+!

does anyone else deal with this? or....enjoy it as much as I do?
7 years

Friends getting fat

i'd be just happy to see that happening to my whole class, omg, now i'm just imaginig that happening, would be soooooo wounderfull

just wait 20 years.
7 years

Friends getting fat

We had a school reunion a couple of summers ago - first time seeing a lot of these people in 20 years!

When I was in high school I was very fit and athletic. I was on the basketball team with a bunch of other fit guys. When me and a friend from the team saw each other at the reunion, we didn't recognize each other right away...

We were each 400-500 lbs at the time! We really hit it off and have stayed in touch since then.

There were soooo many questions I wanted to ask him about gaining (was his wife a feeder too?) but couldn't - and I still don't feel I know him well enough to.

But it's great seeing how people fatten up over time!
7 years

Friends getting fat

I love seeing friends fatten up over time. Since I have gained 130 lbs. since college, I love when I bump into a male friend and he is huge with a big hanging gut. Also, seeing female friends from high school or college who have gotten fat is very arousing and pleasurable. I remember my 20 year high school reunion and we were all in our upper 30's. My female lab partner put on about 60 to 80 lbs. and looked so appealing. And all the hot cheerleaders had really fattened up over 20 years which was so nice to see.
7 years

Friends getting fat

I have a number of friends who are now starting to put on weight. like, A LOT of weight. One shared with me she's gained 60 pounds over the last 2 years. Since the birth of Instagram, now I can watch it happen from near or far. Some people I went to high school with I only follow on Insta so I can watch them keep getting fat. And I have to admit, it's super exciting to watch. Another friend from high school has gained about 100 lbs in the last 5 years and MY JAW IS JUST ON THE FLOOR. And when they start talking about their weight gain, Im struggling not to blush or stare, but I know I do both.

::blush:: ::stare:: ::blush::

It's totally confusing to be suddenly really really attracted to your friends you've had for a decade+!

does anyone else deal with this? or....enjoy it as much as I do?
Indeed; my attraction with respect to body types began to expand. For instance, many years ago when I was in high school, I saw a beautiful woman who was very pretty and of a slim build. In one year she had plumped up. I was amazed to see how someones body growing into its adult tendencies could change the game. She was pretty in both forms within different expressions.
7 years

Friends getting fat

We were each 400-500 lbs at the time! We really hit it off and have stayed in touch since then.

There were soooo many questions I wanted to ask him about gaining (was his wife a feeder too?) but couldn't - and I still don't feel I know him well enough to.

If I had to guess.....I would say his wife has had a lot to do with his weight gain. What does everyone else think?
7 years