Lifestyle tips

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl

Real life feeders. No one wants that in their lives anymore. That's too dangerous. With the goal mentality feedees of today have developed. It used to be that goals weren't an issue, but's like a game, the number of pounds are points and once you hit that number, you win, game over.

Goals are fine I guess, they just put a cap on the whole thing and you can always see the end in sight, that's more than a little depressing. Sure nothing lasts forever, but would you want to know where something fun ends...especially something like this?

Most of the time we don't have anything else in common besides this fetish and that's not a healthy relationship at all.

Virtual ones are the ideal for this generation and will likely be ideal for a very long time with some special exceptions.

This is no place for emotions anymore. It's more like a business than anything else. Feeders provide a service, once we're done, that's it, both parties move on.

It sounds sterile and mechanical but...that's just how it is today.
7 years

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl

I really did care for him and he led me to believe he cared for me... Which I was wrong...

I only truly fatten now with real life/online Feeders, no strings just that feeding, no heart strings, I cut those off... I love to eat but my belly/heart sometimes betrays me.

Same thing happened while I was dating a Feeder, He was super gong-ho about it in the beginning, but did not understand what the gaining would do and impact it would do to not only me, but the relationship as well... Thus I lost a great kinky Bf/Dom too...

This is super sad. Sorry to hear you've had such bad luck. Finding someone that loves you is, IMHO, more important than compatible kinks.

Just remember that even cut heartstrings can be mended. You just need the right knots.
7 years

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl

i had a lot of emotions with my Feeders but sadly when They kept putting numbers on me, and i said i like the process more then hitting the goal number, They pulled away... That is why i stopped having emotional D/s Feeder/Feedee relationships... i was always left, because i did not want to put a numbered goal, or like when i had to stop feeding so much due to a health reason. it wasn't me that wanted it to stop...

Sorry to hear you felt more like a number or statistic than a person. That's one reason I like irl feeding is you can just enjoy what feels good rather than arbitrary goals.
7 years

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl

very true but truly finding it, in real life is most likely not probable... ive been a submissive/pet since i was 17, and i always did everything with heart and after those relationships which were D/s Feeder/feedee based. it hurt badly, and so i just switched to D/s without Feeding. most of my Owners were FAs at least.

I was very lucky to find a girl open to both. She had no previous experience so it has been slow going. It was tough going all through college and beyond until I finally met someone interested in my kinks who wasn't hundreds of miles away.

The feeding for us has been relatively minor since we aren't focused on serious gaining right now. The D/s is the bigger thing for us but she is eager to find another girl to join us for kink and feeding. I feel very lucky but finding girls who will share is tough.
7 years

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl

I've never had either, but the in person seems like the only way I'd be happy. I want to experience everything side by side, along with the obvious cuddling and uh more than cuddling lol.
6 years

Virtual feeders vs feeders irl


I personally enjoy real life/online an equal amount, but that's because I am very creative.

Miss Alyssa

"EeCreative", I Iike the sound of that! Smile
6 years