Extreme obesity

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Oh my god, so many times. My mom is the worst about it. I've told her I don't want to hear it, but she just won't listen. I love her dearly though... I guess everyone has a few bad habits. At least the rest of my family doesn't say anything about my weight.

I get grief from doctors too, but honestly, at my weight that's their job. They're trying to make me healthy because that's what doctors do. As long as they're not nasty or condescending about it I don't care.
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Every time I go shopping with my Mom.
Every time I have a doctors appointment.
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

What about telling here the truth? I know someone who does this
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Over the holidays I don't know if I was actually told to lose weight, but the following came up:

1. "How's that weight doing?" (with a pat on my belly) Perhaps implying (incorrectly) that I WAS trying to lose weight?

2. "Maybe you would like to join us when we go to the gym?"

3. "Are you sure you should have another serving?"

Now, I've been fat for awhile, so no one is surprised anymore. But the passive aggressive comments come mostly from family. Also, when the subject of health comes up and I mention that I am pretty healthy, I got a few eye-roles, jokes, etc.
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

I was even told by an employer at an interview that I was to fat for the job.

What was the job?

If someone told me I was too fat for a job that required some physical ability I didn't have (I can't be on my feet for too long, for instance), I would have to agree. But I'm not too fat for a desk job, etc.
7 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Went to see the doctor yesterday, and my regular doc was away (who is maybe not fat-friendly, but not fat-alarmist at least). Saw another doctor instead.

What i went in for was not related to my weight at all. But this lady went on a tirade about how I was going to have severe health problems as a result of being fat. She calculated my BMI at over 80, and my waist/height ratio (new to me) at 1.15, and told me drastic action was required!

I told her I would think about it, but my health had been monitored and had held up pretty well, and I wasn't really interested in any drastic action.

She took my blood pressure, and although it was a little high, it has actually improved as a result of cutting salt and other things out of my diet... I go to see my doctor about that again next month.

It was shocking to have someone - a stand-in - get so worked up over this! And it had nothing to do with the issue I went in for!

Have you had some be so militantly anti-fat to you?
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Went to see the doctor yesterday...

Sorry to hear you had that experience Mr Jay smiley
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

My mum has made an art form of this. No visit home avoids the question.
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Have never been told by a doctor that I need to lose weight. That doesn't happen in Iowa unless you're, like, 800 lbs. My doctor probably wouldn't say anything even if I was eating a ham during the appointment.

I laughed so hard out loud.
5 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

Many doctors have told me that I'm too fat and should lose weight. Seems every time I went in for a complaint the answer was I was too fat and needed to lose weight. Funny thing, after I turned 65 that stopped. My doctor never mentions my weight. Really nice not to be hectored about it.
5 years
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