
Does your gainer eat separately from the family?

My wife often has specific cravings. This often won’t be communicated until she’s arrived home for work and I already have a meal cooking.

To keep her stuffed I’ll run out and get her “wish” meal while cooking a separate meal for myself and the kids. She often will eat the same meal multiple nights in a row - often her greatest vice, Chipotle w/guac and chips. Any other feeders with a family do this? It’s to the point now where half of the time she’s eating a separate much higher calorie meal than the rest of us. Sometimes it gets annoying - but there’s nothing more annoying than seeing her not pig out!

Keeps the food bill down, too, as I only get takeout for her and cook for the rest of the house.
6 years

Does your gainer eat separately from the family?

My fiance does the cooking, but it's more about the portion control. For example, I eat about 1/3 of what he eats. In a sense he does eat separately, as he will often have a "snack" about the size of an additional meal, in addition to all the sweets, after the meal is formally over. He cooks relatively healthy meals but consumes way more and cooks *a lot* of food. Especially on holidays.
I expect that once we have children we'll be in sync as a family. It's important to both of us that we have meals together. So he will probably eat more away from the table.
6 years

Does your gainer eat separately from the family?

We usually all eat the same meal together while at home. It is really kind of fun to watch my wife’s appetite get close to mine as far as finishing as much food as I do. Being almost a foot taller than her and knowing she probably has eaten more than I have throughout the day already and probably had more snacks.

One thing that is kind of a tough thing that I have to reprimand the teenage kids....primarily my daughter is when I do the grocery shopping g and buy an obscene amount of Ben n Jerry’s pints for my wife......making sure that my daughter knows they are only for Mom. She sometimes complains and say’s “but there are 8 of them”.......I say don’t eat those please. And they are usually done easily in a week and a half to two weeks. The daughter doesn’t touch them. When they are in the freezer my wife just can’t resist them......”the girl loves her some Ben n Jerry’s”
6 years

Does your gainer eat separately from the family?

Finally Fat:
We eat large fattening meals together.

We also sneak food a lot too. Our secret fattening when around others. We even eat secretly from each other- hidden treats, drive-throughs after meals, leftovers in the night.

Of course there's nothing secret about it our increasing fatness. Gluttony is a very evident in it's practitioners. Whoever sees us knows we are gluttons.

We surprise each other with the extra fatness our hidden eating creates!

So our gluttonous fattening is no secret at all. Our secret is that we're willing piggies- we love swallowing all this food into our insatiable fatness. two are the most gluteneous couple that I hear on these boards. Does your wife share the same enthusiasm for food but you have her beat in the weight gain fetish department with enthusiasm?
Expand how out of control your wife has gotten with her eating and how much she can consume?

How much has both of your appetites been growing or has it tappered off?

How much do you both weigh currently?
6 years