
Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

What do you mean you can't gain? Have you tried?
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I would include social/family/work related reason for "can't gain". I would love to let go, but two of the three above keep me in check.
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

The main thing that holds me back is probably my job. I walk about 5-7 miles a day because of it and I'm always on my feet. If I had a desk job, there's no way I wouldn't blimp up. I'd probably get quite a bit of attention, I'm not sure if it'd deter me, but there's no doubt I'd gain a whole lot of weight. I like where I'm at, but don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being bigger, just not the limitations that come with it. (I'm already noticing a difference with the ~30 lbs I put on in the last 7 months).
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

Yeah I feel this, gaining was going pretty easy for a while then I hit 310 and hit a wall, and I can't really afford to continuously provide myself with the food required. Plus male feedee, so not like I'm getting any help haha
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I've known two young women who wanted to gain. Both were thin, both ate a lot, but they couldn't gain.

One of them then suddenly gained a lot of weight in less than two years, it was more then what she wanted, so she regretted it. It took her a lot of work to lose about half of it.

The other one is still unable to gain any weight at all.
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I'm stuck at 230 been high as 240 but can't seem to get there. Eventually I want to get to 300 then from there make a goal to 500 if possible. Think it would be an awesome challenge but hard doing it alone.. There is no shortage of food being I live in Chicago. Time to get that pizza...
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I definitely have that "f you" kind of attitude, but then I'm also terrified of what people think. At this point, it's mostly just my boyfriend. He's been with a bigger girl before, but his nickname for her is 'the whale.'

I just want to look nice for him, and I'm already really distressed by the stretch marks I have, so the idea of getting more sucks.

Honestly, if I told him "I want to gain 50 or so pounds," he probably wouldn't even care that much, more just concerned for my health, and I've kind of baited him a bit to get this info. I'm already terrified that he's going to leave me at any given moment, so I'd like to not give him any other reason to leave.

Do you really feel your in a healthy relationship? He calls the ex a whale.... you live in fear he'll leave if you gain because you'll then be in whale territory. What happened to loving you for you? It's your body. If you want to gain, gain. If you want to lose, lose.
You need to be happy with you first! BTW, stretch marks are very sexy!!!! Embrace them!

Forgive the bluntness, but it sounds like this guy isn't worth your time. I know that's easier said than done, but I think you should really consider dropping him. Everyone loves their partner and cares about how their decisions affect that person, but come on - at the end of the day you need someone who loves and appreciates you, and knows how to be kind to others. Not being kind is a huge turn off for me. You need to be yourself - and a great person who complements you will come when you are doing what you do - for yourself!
Sorry to be preachy, that's just my take. Don't stand for this BS. You're a grown woman and don't need to be with a child.
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

Obviously you can live your life out in response to what your family, friends, and lover think, changing nothing relative to your weight . But will a life like that be good enough for you? Can you truly live happily that way?
If you can answer those questions with a yes, then maybe leaving things alone will work for you.
But if, through serious introspection on the subject, you come to a different conclusion, it will be time to take the heat by challenging your family's & friends' point of view, changing partners, and finding someone who will appreciate the more voluptuous you.
There are, after all, excellent fat admiring resources out there today to help you make the right romantic connection.
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I feel about the same way, here are my three reasons why I can't really gain now.

1. Scared of health issues to my health
2. Social stigma of people that are around me
3. Family members would look down on me.
4. Its freaking expensive to gain
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

The polo:
I feel about the same way, here are my three reasons why I can't really gain now.

1. Scared of health issues to my health
2. Social stigma of people that are around me
3. Family members would look down on me.
4. Its freaking expensive to gain

Each of your arguments against are strong & reasonable. And from your response it sounds like chances are a purposefully significant gain is not in your future - and that's OK.
I do wonder what percentage of people sexually stimulated by their own fat never take the plunge for the same reasons you haven't? I expect a very significant portion keep this particular interest forever in the closet, never seriously considering indulging because of all the stigma's attached to it.
5 years