Lifestyle tips

Self conscious partner

My gf is a bigger woman who often gets stressed and self conscious about her weight. Some days she tells me she feels ok at the size she is (not wanting to gain though), while on others she might completely hate her body.

I know ideally she would love to be thinner, but her diet and lack of motivation keeps her steady/slightly gaining (with no pressure from me, although of course I don't mind). Though I think she is extremely beautiful, brave and sexy, and tell her that often, she can still get upset and self conscious.

I know the pressure from society to be thin is enormous, and I love her no matter what, I'm just very attracted to her larger body.
Best way to make her feel comfortable and boost her self confidence in her current body?
6 years

Self conscious partner

Some people think that all they need to do is to convince their partners that they find fat attractive, and that will make everything OK. However, some people just don't like being fat, no matter who and how many find them attractive. Of course, not everyone who wants to be thin can be thin.
6 years

Self conscious partner

Show her affection and compliment her beauty. But do not make direct and specific compliments about her "cute belly" or "larger" areas. She's obviously self-conscious and this is only going to deepen her insecurity. When immersed in a caring, supportive relationship, she might get over it and embrace her body. But there's really nothing you can do about it other than show love.

Just warning you, though; her weight is obviously a hot button for her. I'd lay off it.

When my wife makes comments that she likes her bigger hips, I'll pile on and make my feelings known. But I never bring up her bigger size out of the blue because it could very well be "one of those days" where she's not feeling too pretty and any "compliment" about her size will be received negatively.
6 years

Self conscious partner

If you do decide to say good things and place emphasis on her fat bits, when you are in bed with her put a lot of emphasis on those bits caressing and kissing them.
6 years