Fat experiences

Yoyo gain

I know someone who has been doing this for many years, even if not at such a fast rate. But it's so regular and predictable, you could almost use her as a calendar. She is relatively slim (at her thinnest), but during the winter she gains a lot of weight, most of it to her belly, she actually looks pregnant. Then during the spring she loses it all to prepare for the season where you can't hide it under puffy winter coats.

In mid-summer she decides to stop smoking, then gains an insane amount of weight in only a couple of weeks, then panics, starts smoking again and drops most of the weight in the autumn.

Then comes winter, and the whole process starts again from the beginning.
6 years

Yoyo gain

I am constantly yoyoing... up and down 30-50 lbs at a time. I first got to 250 (from 180ish) about 4-5 years ago and since bounced between 200 and 250 at least two times. Actually, last year at this time I was my heaviest ever at 253 and by December I got to 190... but now I am back up to 230 already... and not even trying to gain this time. I just cant control my appetite very long. Each regain I get a little fatter and a little more easily or quickly, so I will probably wind up huge someday, haha.
6 years

Yoyo gain

When you lose weight by being in a caloric deficit, your body slows its metabolism to prevent starvation. Girls that diet for extended periods cause such metabolic damage because they end up slowing their metabolism to a crawl as they eat less and less.

If they revert back to even normal/semi-heavy portions of food, they will PILE ON weight ridiculously fast. Let alone if they start binging like most girls end up doing.

Freaked out by the instant weight gain, they'll then move back to a caloric deficit to try to lose the weight, slowing their metabolism down further and perpetuating the yo-yo cycle.
6 years

Yoyo gain

This is the story of my life..lol...

Which part of it was intentional? The gaining or the losing?
6 years