Submission and domination

Fattened for a cannibal

Pig farmer:
There's no vore as such in Hansel and Gretel but the tale appeals to some of us on this site because of the fattening and the witch's intentions. Her taunting is also arousing.

Part of the appeal of Hansel & Gretel (which I adore) is that, although they've managed to trick the witch by making her think he's not fattened up, in reality he is still unable to resist, loses control as it were, and does in fact grow fat. Something about the inevitability and unavoidability of it is so enticing.

I really agree with this, giantjay! It's that he can't stop himself (and obviously Gretel can't stop feeding him either -- or giving in to his desires)....

God, yes. All of this. ^^^ I'd be that witch 24/7 If it were possible.

And I'd be Hansel 24/7 if that were possible!
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Would anyone be up for roleplaying this scenario? Either as the predator or prey? I'm so into this
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Love playing a hungry chef drooling over a juicy fattened butterball fro his dinner smiley
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

If anyone wishes to roleplay this scenario either as the prey or pred, message me either on here or on discord:

6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Love playing a hungry chef drooling over a juicy fattened butterball fro his dinner smiley

Do we both want to do that?
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

what about being turned into food? Does the thought of a cannibal master adding another layer of glaze to your body as you are popped in the oven to roast turn you on?

What about being tussled up like a turkey and served on a plate on a big dinner table knowing that your body is one big plump, juicy, succulent, delicious morsel?

Yeah I have had that one before

Damn, you've must have looked so scrumptious like this
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

I want the wicker man thing to happen, but they eventually want a meal instead of a sacrifice.
The colony of women...they invite me in, make me their guest of honor for a few years while fattening me beyond belief, even teasing how tasty id be that im getting so fat. Then one day they drop the bomb that they actually big i have no chance to escape.
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Hi - just found this thread, and loved it. It put me in mind of a story I wrote a while back...
I am really interested in RP, around this, or in a scenario where I am kept captive and forced to write wrotic fiction! Ping me if you're interested! Greg
6 years

Fattened for a cannibal

A supremely fun fantasy, one of my favorites. I don't get into it all the time, I'm mostly a sweet/caretaker feeder, but when I do, I prefer to fantasize more of the rough stuff, and it's tough to find someone into hard vore.
5 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Traped. I always had one where I was filled with pastry filling all huge unable to move can't even reach ground to try. Made into what made me this way.

this sounds delicious... love the idea of fattening someone up so much that their feet and arms can't reach the ground because their belly is soooo huge... mmm, what a tasty meal you would be!
5 years
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