Fat experiences

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Can you remember a time when someone made a comment about your fitness level that enthralled you? Perhaps a comment that alluded to a contrast?
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Despite being fat it’s obvious I’m pretty muscular. I’ve been called a bull and “built like a truck”. One day while my boss and some techs were moving equipment I held a door open. My boss said breathlessly “wait, why are we pushing this and the guy with the muscles is holding the door?” I said because I worked out the night before. smiley
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Yes, a lot of people jokingly comment when I tell them that I used to be a wrestler in high school. When I tell them the weight I used to wrestle at they look at me and say something to the effect of "well it looks like you'd wrestle at heavyweight now". I just laugh and agree with them.
That is when you say " Well aren't you a ray of sunshine and truth"
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

I just recently had a couple experiences like this. I was always really skinny, and over the last couple months it's started to show. At first people were remarking that I was looking good, as the fat went on evenly, favoring my pectorals (making me look stronger), but now my belly is becoming a lot more prominent. I just had somebody remarking about how skinny I used to be, and asked why I was gaining weight. I just said I've been eating a lot of fast food lately. I was pretty excited that people are starting to recognize my gain, and the next time I walked by the mirror, I thought: "Damn, I am getting fat", and I couldn't be more excited by it.
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

I just recently had a couple experiences like this. I was always really skinny, and over the last couple months it's started to show. At first people were remarking that I was looking good, as the fat went on evenly, favoring my pectorals (making me look stronger), but now my belly is becoming a lot more prominent. I just had somebody remarking about how skinny I used to be, and asked why I was gaining weight. I just said I've been eating a lot of fast food lately. I was pretty excited that people are starting to recognize my gain, and the next time I walked by the mirror, I thought: "Damn, I am getting fat", and I couldn't be more excited by it.

Now ....you will find yourself stuffing and eating more often that you can see the reactions and evidence. It will become like a double edge sword.....seeing yourself fatter will make you want to eat more to gain even faster and eventually you will need so much more to eat.....you will get much fatter with this being the real starting point.
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

The most memorable came when I was hiking with my parents. This was this last summer, and I had put on ~85lbs (185 --> 270) and it was pretty difficult. Stopping a lot to "take pics". Breathing pretty hard and sweating a lot (it was hot?). They kept asking if we should turn around, and eventually they basically said that we should go back because "you can't handle this much with your weight now".
6 years