
A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

As a FA, what is your favorite attitude in those who are gaining weight?

1. completely hating weight gain, trying desperately to become thin but failing, being miserable about it, comfort-eating, and inevitably getting fatter.

2. accepting that they will never become skinny, but trying to lose just a little bit of weight, not to become thin but just to be a little bit less obese. Occasional short and half-hearted diets here and there, which are not enough to stop the weight from continuing to pile up.

3. having accepted their fat bodies and being comfortable, just trying to maintain. Like, "OK, if I gain another few pounds I'll start a diet", but after it happens, pushing out the boundary again.

4. not wanting to gain per se, but loving food enough that they accept gaining as a consequence or as a price to be payed. They have no worries about it and they accept the weight gain, being confident with their bodies, but if they could eat more food while magically not gaining weight, they would choose so.

5. actually liking and enjoying the weight gain itself.

6. weight gain becoming the main drive, wanting to get as fat and as fast as possible.

What's it in fantasy, and what's it in reality?

For me, in reality I like 4 and 5 the most (if I had to order them from most to least favorite, it would be 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1), and in fantasy it's for someone to go through all the stages from 1 to 6.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

3,4 and 5 are realistic and for me.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

As a FA, what is your favorite attitude in those who are gaining weight?

1. completely hating weight gain, trying desperately to become thin but failing, being miserable about it, comfort-eating, and inevitably getting fatter.

2. accepting that they will never become skinny, but trying to lose just a little bit of weight, not to become thin but just to be a little bit less obese. Occasional short and half-hearted diets here and there, which are not enough to stop the weight from continuing to pile up.

3. having accepted their fat bodies and being comfortable, just trying to maintain. Like, "OK, if I gain another few pounds I'll start a diet", but after it happens, pushing out the boundary again.

4. now wanting to gain per se, but loving food enough that they accept gaining as a consequence or as a price to be payed. They have no worries about it and they accept the weight gain, being confident with their bodies, but if they could eat more food while magically not gaining weight, they would choose so.

5. actually liking and enjoying the weight gain itself.

6. weight gain becoming the main drive, wanting to get as fat and as fast as possible.

What's it in fantasy, and what's it in reality?

For me, in reality I like 4 and 5 the most (if I had to order them from most to least favorite, it would be 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1), and in fantasy it's for someone to go through all the stages from 1 to 6.

The little man has been through the gamut, really. For the longest time I would say 1-3 have been his principle attitudes. How I have enjoyed watching him struggle and then sadly eat some more, knowing he hasn't the strength to fight it. He struggled with his weight as a kid, and I think he was born to fat, and watching his already weak willpower crumble and become a thing of the past has been satisfying. He will still occasionally say he's full, or that he should stop, only to reach his hand in for another handful 30 mins later.
Only within the past couple months has he enjoyed gaining. He's declined a walk "because I'm too fat" or has admitted "I'm too slow - because I'm fat" or can't fit because of it. He's now terrified of exercise and hates it. When we come back from a walk he takes refuge in his comfort food. He knows he's fat and will never be thin again. I think 4 is as high as he'll get. He knows he loves food and can't be separated from it.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

Number 5 with a tendency to 6 at times.
Should be enjoying the journey to greatness.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

My wife is a number 1, I'm afraid. I am currently a number 3 or 4. Fantasy, 5 or 6. Great stream.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

SahX, wow, quite a journey!

It's almost like being bipolar, but not regarding good or bad mood, but with switching between fully determined to lose and fully determined to gain weight.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

2 or 5! The two are quite different I know
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

My wife bounces from 1 to 4 and back.

She's accepting of being and becoming bigger but then she blows past what she assumed her weight would be and never thought she'd get "THIS heavy".

So then, she'll revert back to 1. Try to briefly fight it.

But she'll find that the lifestyle accompanied with being thin is not the life she wants to lead...goes back to being a glutton, accepts her body and has no problem with gaining "a little more weight"......which turns out to a LOT more weight at some point and the cycle repeats.

It's easier for girls that have always been heavy to get fatter. When you start off bone skinny, there are multiple chapters of body image where you take personal inventory and have to accept, i.e. "now I'm a thick girl...I'm fine with it" "now I'm a chunky girl..I'm fine with it"..."now I'm a fat girl, but I'm not super fat".
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

I’m a 2
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

3 and 5
6 years
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