Lifestyle tips

Obesity should be embraced

All this fat tax is a joke, obesity should be embraced, the world 🌍 is getting a fatter and in my eyes a happier place where people be who they want to be not a stick thin model, rant over😂
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

I've always believed that obesity is a sign of prosperity. If you're lucky enough to live in a place where food is available in abundance, why shouldn't you take advantage of that? Why have I gotten fat on fast food and snacks? Because I'm lucky enough to live somewhere where I can do that.

The best thing you can do is embrace that mentality. What better sign of prosperity than a large waistline?
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

The news states today the uk is set half the population obese or morbidly obese in 20 years. Why fight the what’s going to happen anyway, A good thought the fat hatters will be a minority 😂 the future bright the futures fatter
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

Oh I agree. Bloody sugar tax in the UK now! Hard to find full sugar anything. Just diet and half diet. Yuck. Stocked up 36 cans of full sugar lemonade but it won't last long. Today I ate a ready meal that was slightly larger than normal. I was quite surprised they'd up the size, then I realized it's meant for two now. So I'm eating more calories not less, great for me, bad for the fat police. I'm just buying more. Chocolate bars smaller, eat two (or four) cake smaller, eat it all to myself in one go.
Actually it's helping me get fatter....
I know what you mean went to Alton towers last week 20 extra to refill regular coke I mean WTF, it’s not working we are all getting fatter and happier let it just be
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

It's a nanny state in the UK trying to stop us from being fat/ getting fatter. People have a choice, if they wish to be fat or quite simply can't help themselves to lose weight, it's not the governments job to act as dieticians
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

Instead of endlessly nagging obese people, isn't it about time they designed things that accommodate a population which is becoming increasingly obese. More lifts, escalators, seats that are the right size, more seating in public spaces, wider supermarket aisles, restaurants where the tables are too close together...I could go on.
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

I get that governments would want to push an agenda that the health issues associated with being obese is why they implement measures such as the sugar tax. However, I don't think everyone who is either overweight or obese aren't aware of what they're doing to their bodies
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

Tbh i kinda like that they are doing this as it means I feel like I'm even more a greedy unhealthy fat ass going against what's healthy for me.

Makes me want to eat even more and get even fatter.
Ha ha,same! smiley
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

I don't know about Great Briton or Europe in general, but in the US, we have an ageing population, which is far more prone to become overweight. I'm a casual gainer, deliberate sometimes, but truly it is a lot harder to keep the pounds off as I age. I'm still quite active, but I still gain very easily.
6 years

Obesity should be embraced

Really it's just more BS by governments and companies telling us how we are going to live our lives. The governments taxing items with sugars and such is it any different than what they do with the taxing of cigarettes, I don't think so. I am not overweight at all very fit and workout everyday because I am a feeder. I have to be in shape with the non stop cooking, shopping and taking care of a large woman and with many of these products they say have less calories or sugars what they have replaced them with besides tasting off are no different had they just left them alone, more BS from the companies.
6 years
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