
Is it better to be the feeder, feedee, or both? ...and what kind of wardrobe?

I would think it is more about what you like. You can be into one or both, but it usually is not a decision. As far as wardrobe, I personally like to see women wear loose clothes to allow room for gaining.
6 years

Is it better to be the feeder, feedee, or both? ...and what kind of wardrobe?

As others have said, it depends on what you like.

I have loved watching my little man get fat - the increased obedience, the decreased ability to control his desires. Guiding him has become a great experience, and I see his sweetness and kindness more than I ever have.
My least favourite part : I am very, very active, and I have a very demanding job. We came back from our honeymoon a few hours ago - in New Zealand, one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world. I love hiking and outdoor activities, and he is too fat now to really enjoy the outdoors without extensive prep. I miss sharing the long hikes and extreme peaks. But the comfort of my fat little husband when I come home to a cooked dinner usually makes up for it.

Clothes are hard. Sometimes I like to watch him get fatter, to see him squeezed into something. But I also enjoy watching him fill up clothes. When we went shopping last he said he wanted something that would hide his fat. I patted him on the belly and said, "You're over 300 lbs - that's not going to happen." Letting go of that has been kind of hard for him.
6 years