
What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

I like to stuff with breakfast foods. Waffles, French toast, pancakes, donut and pastries. I fine I get nice and full, lots of calories to help gain weight and relatively easy to digest. I have binged on these mornings and at night as well. Good luck and eat up!
7 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

Fast food - McDonald's, Wendy''s, Burger King are all fine, but I do like the higher end burgers like 5 Guys and some other gourmet burger places, especially with their servings of fries.

But when I'm in the mood for something sweet, chocolate doughnuts are my go to. I used to like to stuff with a lot of chips, but the starch was getting a bit much.
6 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

My feedee wife is def Indian food. Carb overload – every sauce has tons of heavy cream and butter. The nan is slathered in butter/ghee.

I've cut a deal with the owner that since I get takeout practically every night he's agreed to sell her $8 dinner for $5 if I pay with cash! No credit card fees, under the table.

Love seeing all of the female employees there grow so much over the years, too. Being on the same diet, they're all so massively plump now.
6 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

Any recommendations for a beginner?

That's a toughie – not knowing where you are on the foodie spectrum. Indian combines often surreal flavors and ingredients that can bewilder Americans. (Carrots, cucumber & garlic in yogurt = "fan favorite" really?"smiley

I would start safe: Butter Chicken.
Standard recipe calls for: 2 cups heavy cream, 8 tablespoons butter, 6 tablespoons olive oil.....can you go f#%king wrong? Try their "garlic nan" bread – Indian equivalent to garlic bread.

And it's the sauces to cool your mouth when you eat spicy curries that push your calorie count through the roof. Always make certain you have "Raita". A cool yogurt side (any good Indian spot includes this free). It's the sour cream to Mexican food – for Indian food. Identical.
6 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

Pasta! Keep it coming!
6 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

Whip cream, the feeling of the cream as I eat it in huge loads and whenever I eat it, I eat it with my hands, thus making me feel like a pig 🐖.
6 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

Stuff with pizza, then heavy cream + ice cream shake. I ain't terribly picky about the food, just love the feeling cream + ice cream gives me. It's like you can literally feel yourself getting fatter.
5 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

5 years

What's the most/favorite thing you like to stuff with?

A good Indian lunch buffet! I'll happily stuff myself dangerously full with all those tempting flavors and textures.

Since I moved to a rural area, though, I need to give cooking my own Indian dishes another try. Somehow I always end up burning the spices when I try to toast them. And I'll probably make roti instead of naan, because roti are way easier.
5 years