Lifestyle tips

How to gain weight secretly

I want to gain weight but I'm scared I'll get bullied and hated for it, I don't know what to do
6 years

How to gain weight secretly

Way I see it is more and more people are getting fat. Around me there’s more fat middle aged people than fit ones. I might get there sooner than my peers, but I don’t think it’ll be rough.
6 years

How to gain weight secretly

I want to gain weight but I'm scared I'll get bullied and hated for it, I don't know what to do

To use a term I've seen on FF. Embrace your obesity.

If this really is 'your thing' then you should Just Do It (tm Nike&apossmiley.

Or in other words Own It.

Realistically you might get some ribbing over your weightgain. You might even get some concerned talking to's by relatives, friend and your doctor. This is your right of passage. These people are not wrong. Gaining a lot of weight could be very unhealthy. You will probably never be able to get back to your current size. Your life will be shorter.

Obviously to most people these things sound terrible. To a Feedee they are the cost of being a Feedee but worth it. They may even be a turn on and driving force.

You can gain weight secretly for a while during this time prepare yourself for a lifetime of obesity.
6 years

How to gain weight secretly

True, if you shine the "Yes, I know I'm fat, so what" attitude, and you look confident and happy, it's much less likely for people to pick on you and harass you for your weight.

Also, harassing people for their weight is more common for schoolchildren, most of them will grow out of it as they get older.
6 years

How to gain weight secretly

I've been at least overweight my whole life and the last time I had any real issues with bullying because of my weight was back in school.

Once I got into Sixth Form (which at the time was after the end of mandatory education in the UK) that stopped as all the a***holes who gave me problems left.

As an adult I've never had any real issues in regards to bullying.

Of course this depends on the people around you and whether other weight related issues appear e.g. clothes sizes which may cause comments.


That said, there was a period a few years back when my parents became concerned about me because of THEIR health, but I managed to brush them off.

In fact I even use how stressed out/angry they got because of THEIR health to my advantage because I can just say 'I don't want to end up like you' or other things like 'I'm so glad I don't care' when they complain about themselves.

So far I haven't had any other comments from them.
6 years