Lifestyle tips

Gf wants to lose weight

If its a really big deal breaker. You just need to move on.

Let her do what she wants and support her no matter what.

Or leave.

It's really pretty simple.
6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

Stop being slime.

6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

You have to let her do what she wants to do and be the weight at which she's happiest. You may be tempted to try and secretly encourage her to gain weight after her diet but she'll soon get wise to what you're doing and then you'll be in a continual to and fro with her trying to lose weight and you trying to encourage her to gain. Over time this will just corrode your relationship with her.

You need to decide how important this is to you and from my own relationships and experience on this website I've found that if you're a true feeder and FA then it's not something you can easily ignore and even if you try it will resurface again in the future and ultimately come between you.

I understand that you love her but this may not mean that you are ultimately suited to each others. Rather than spending time being dissatisfied that she doesn't want to get fat, my advice is find yourself someone who does. There are plenty of women out there who let themselves get fat whether intentionally or not so why struggle with a girl who really doesn't want it.
6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

Let her do her thing. Personally, it was the process of my wife trying to lose weight that forced her to face the reality that she is and wants to be a glutton. Even after she had shed a large amount and had run a couple 5K's, she knew she wanted wings and beer more. At the time I assumed feeding/gaining would have to stay a fantasy in my life. But then she finally reverted back to the foods she loves and became open to gaining weight.

But this is something only she can figure out.
6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

Do what you want but make her feel wrong, or less worth. If you can't, leave.
6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

As someone else has said, the loss will be only temporary. But the real problem is that you are going to be with someone who hates being fat. As you become more turned on as she regains the weight, she's going to be more miserable, and it is not fun to be with someone who is miserable.
6 years