Lifestyle tips

How to start

Iam clearly underweight altrough Iam a mom of four. I mingth to gain for my health but I eat just around 400 or 500 kcal a day. I've simply no time and a part of allergies, I can't use Creme double or butter or full fattet milk. If I eat more then half a pizza or a sandwich at once, I feel sick after it. I can't overeat. But I need around 10 ibs more just for having under normal weight. In my dreams and the dreams of my husband, Iam more. Google Maite Kelly if you don't know here she is my idol.

You need to eat more calories than that. That is enough to make a tiny person die from lack of body fuel and nutrition. If it�s that bad I�d suggest seeing a doctor and therapist about your eating disorder, not coming into a fat fetish website for tips. What you�re doing is incredibly dangerous and I doubt you want to leave your family motherless because of an eating disorder, right? Get real help ASAP before it�s too late. 😔

PregnantStarSmoke: Your comments seem to always bash others! Do you enjoy throwing words around, perhaps it is you that needs to seek a therapist!
6 years

How to start

Ahhh babyeedoll, I jut checked your profile and I do see that we somewhat interacted recently when you posted about your husbands desires to not gain too much too quickly, and you were asking ways that you can sneakably force him to without his knowledge. I explained that I feel bad for the poor fellow if that is the way you treat him and that I hope the best for him. You even said I was right and that you poorly explained what you had meant. I wasn�t bashing anyone then either. If there is something I have done to actually bash you, I apologize, but I�ve no idea what that could be.

Okay thank you! But I feel you misunderstood or I perhaps misrepresented what I wanted. I just wanted good tips for helping increase weight. It's not a secret, but perhaps only that with some feeders we saw gains by our partners and wanted more. If our partners were not wanting to fight the weight gain our desires were fed more. I definitely misworded sneeky. Sneaking or adding boosts of richness and calories to boost and increase the SPEED of inevitable weight gain -- yes! He is now fully on board and asks me to make him shakes for after work before dinner.
6 years

How to start

Iam clearly underweight altrough Iam a mom of four. I mingth to gain for my health but I eat just around 400 or 500 kcal a day. I've simply no time and a part of allergies, I can't use Creme double or butter or full fattet milk. If I eat more then half a pizza or a sandwich at once, I feel sick after it. I can't overeat. But I need around 10 ibs more just for having under normal weight. In my dreams and the dreams of my husband, Iam more. Google Maite Kelly if you don't know here she is my idol.

You need to eat more calories than that. That is enough to make a tiny person die from lack of body fuel and nutrition. If it�s that bad I�d suggest seeing a doctor and therapist about your eating disorder, not coming into a fat fetish website for tips. What you�re doing is incredibly dangerous and I doubt you want to leave your family motherless because of an eating disorder, right? Get real help ASAP before it�s too late. 😔

PregnantStarSmoke: Your comments seem to always bash others! Do you enjoy throwing words around, perhaps it is you that needs to seek a therapist!

Always bash others, how so? This user described their dangerously low calorie diet and their inability to eat more. I only suggested getting real help before something terrible happens to her or her family, instead of asking for help on a fetish website where she�ll mostly only get sexual fetishy replies. I�m not sure how that or anything else I�ve said has come across as bashing others but that has never been my intentions on here. I wasn�t being a dick to her, like you just were in your comment to me.

PregnantStarSmoke: Your comment was a bit extreme to suggest she needs therapy. She has come for help and easy suggestions.

Honey 37: I am small and can totally relate and have 5 children under 8yrs old and running around constantly! I get a stomachache from a whole burger and small fry, the grease doesn't fit well. I am full quickly too smiley What I do to keep calories and energy that you do need, eat smaller snacks and drink higher calorie, but good for you shakes. I also have a milkshake almost everyday. I burn calories quickly, I don't turn dessert away, it lacks the grease that seems to mess with my stomach.
6 years

How to start

Better don't fight. Iam no Ana or something like that, I, ve simply no time for eating and allergies against milky products, I was pampers with Soja milk as a baby because of the allergy... Iam searching honestly for tips here, because Iam a fa, my husband is a ssbhm and I like to feed him but yes, what I feed him I can't use myself so I was in hope that some of you could give my tips.

Seriously. 400-500 calories a day is bad. I would forget about getting fat for now. Even a thin person should be eating much more than that. You may have nutritional deficiencies. You really should see a doctor and possibly a therapist if that's all you've been eating for a while. I agree with PregnantStarSmoke, I wasn't under the impression she was being mean.

As far as tips, I'm not sure, but maybe just start eating more of whatever you can. It sounds like you have some dietary restrictions that may make it more difficult, but you probably should see a doctor. I mean no offence. Good luck.
6 years

How to start

Honestly, my doctor knows it. I need no therapy because I know that I've to change it. I know why Iam like that and how to handle with it, but I don't know how to start. Is that so difficult?

Suggestions :

Peanut butter and nut butters or soy butter if you are allergic to nuts.

Trail mix

Milkshakes made with soy _ try spirutein brand powders mixed w/ soy milk

Meat rollups for quick boost of protein and calories

Google high calorie food suggestions

Pasta w/ tomato sauces and no cheese

Good luck!
6 years

How to start

pearlvr2002:Fat doesn't make you fat; it makes you feel full. In other words, it will satisfy your appetite so you don't want to eat any more.

Well, nothing makes you fatter faster than fat:

1g protein = 4 calories
1g carb = 4 calories
1g fat = 9 calories

Yes, they can seem more filling. They key is to combine them with fast acting carbs because the insulin response and crash from the carbs will trigger you to be hungry again.

But nothing holds a candle to true fat which is why it's fried foods, heavy cream, butter that make people blow up. A lot of people think of sugar - but fat is over double the calories of sugar and is what truly makes sweets fattening (all of the butter and oils).
6 years

How to start

I see someone else has bought into the sugar companies' campaign to convince people that fat is the culprit. But the Adkins diet is based on the principle of using dense high fat foods to lose weight.

I'm not buying into anything. I've done a Keto diet for the last couple years and frankly after lots of experimentation I'm not a huge believer in the Atkins/Keto diet. The water weight shed in the first 1-2 weeks cutting carbs is what gives folks the encouragement that they're losing "weight" faster. After that, it's the same long slog of weight loss seen in a caloric deficit on any other diet. And depending on how low your carb consumption is, the diet itself can yield low blood sugar, carb cravings and binge eating.

The ONLY time I get overwhelming sugar cravings is when I'm on Keto/Atkins.

That said, I think it's effectiveness for those that are obese is that it forces them out of the binge-crash cycle of sugar consumption that drives folks into weight gain.

In the end, a calorie is a calorie. I've seen people gain tons of body fat consuming too much protein via whey shakes. All I'm saying is that there are over double the calories in a gram of fat than a gram of sugar. Why do you think people around here with the most profound results are chugging heavy cream?
6 years

How to start

pearlvr2002:You are right about mixing fat with carbs if someone aims to gain weight

Seems we agree that the quickest way to get fat is combining carbs with fats. Specifically carbs that spike insulin the highest (highly glycemic, simple carbs) which tend to be junk food or "empty calories". What hasn't been brought up is the reason: insulin.

Why? Insulin is the hormone that shuttles broken down food into muscle and fat cells by "telling" the cells to open up and absorb them. This is why all bodybuilders shoot up insulin after their workouts and avoid fatty foods after their insulin shots: the insulin pounds protein into the muscle cells at a rate a natural lifter could never replicate causing massive unnatural growth.

For those that are obese, when you spike insulin with sugars and simple carbs, the insulin then signals 'storage' to the body's cells, opens the fat cells and packs on all of the fats consumed in the same meal at a significantly higher rate.
6 years