Fattening others

Be carefull with what you wish for

You can't order a woman, the way you can order a new car. You don't have any choice of where the weight goes. Some people are larger in some places than others. That is genetics. But at some point, it is likely that someone who keeps gaining is going to get big all over. I would just let her do what she wants, and either enjoy or accept the results, however she may gain.
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

Been reading these threads on here for years. They never get old! Just as exciting to read as anything.
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

Let her do what she wants and let her enjoy the whole gaining process. She's much more likely to stick with it that way!
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

I don’t know! I am not in the same situation as you....the more my wife gains the more I enjoy it!
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

@southernbell77 @johnxyz Well she pretty much eats what I serve her. So it (her weight) IS, to some degree my responsibility I think.

If I bring up food more often, she�ll eat more often. Id I decide to cook with lots of cheese, her butt�ll get bigger.

Is it �let her do what she wants� if I serve her bigger portions?

Also, I know you cannot order people like cars. Yet talking about how I feel can never hurt, an I right?

@ Its Bubba Jay

The bad thing is, that I am confused about whether I think her body gets hotter and hotter (due to bigger thighs for example by the logic �more bigger is better�smiley, or she�s sliding out of that idealized range.

I don�t do anything morally wrong by serving her bigger or smaller portions, but still have to decide on how to act.

Keep her in that idealized range or not?

If I still CAN affect her weight through that...

@HappyBigBoy Are you being sarcastic or not? I cannot tell for sure ^^

No sarcasm intended :-) I'm loving every minute of being an FA hubby :-)
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

What I've recently noticed: Her genitals seem to start getting really squishy.
Her butt and hips seem to broaden quicker than usual.[/quote]

I know exactly what you are talking about. My wife after gaining a good 40 lbs. in a year and a half.....which she has now kind of settled in at her current weight..... it after that gain her genitals not only got squishy and much puffier but she even got fatter down there as well. Which I found so sexy because it even added to the sexiness feel.
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

What I've recently noticed: Her genitals seem to start getting really squishy.
Her butt and hips seem to broaden quicker than usual.

Ah yes, the FUPA. Nice to hold. Very sexy in its own right

We've recently started to eat breakfast, which means she (we) consume About 500 kcal more a day than before. Roughly.

Also I've started spiking her breakfast and other meals with a spoon of vegetable oil whenever I can. So that'll be 80 kcal extra in the morning.

Go for other replacements too, like heavy/whipping cream instead of milk.

She doesn't know about it and I feel bad about it, but everytime I see her seemingly bloated belly, her broadening hips or her thighs I cannot but want to do this.

I know what you mean. FA quickly becomes Gaining Admirer; the growth itself is fun. Growing them is fun.

You can toy with just letting her know. From your first post I see you have weight conversations kind of matter of factly, so just let her know; "You look really amazing like this; I think I'll boost your calories for a while"
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

Makes you smile, doesn't it smiley
6 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

Have you two ever talked about her weight in any shape or form? Jut to know how she feels about it, does she like it, does she hate it, is she indifferent? Has she ever approached you about the topic, did she ever make any comments about her weight or her eating habits?
5 years

Be carefull with what you wish for

I'm really digging your updates Bigbutt. It's kinda funny in the beginning you just were noticing her gain but now are really encouraging it. Why are you so apprehensive? Why dont you open the conversation a little more and both set a goal weight?
5 years
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