Lifestyle tips

Scooters at grocery stores

who has given up walking in grocery stores and uses the scooters? how did you first decide to do that? how do you feel about it?
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Yeah my boyfriend used to work inside at Walmart and used to be in charge of doing the carts. the one thing I hate about those things that people never plug them back in. so hed always have to go around the store and rangle them or have to go help customers when they're charged died. I know that if I did get that big to need one or 2 have one regularly hed use that thing and he would get in so much trouble. Just see him trying to make ramp jumps with it.

I have found that the more weight (added to the basket), shortens it's battery life (range). I do not know if it's the distribution of the weight or total weight that's important here.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Yeah my boyfriend used to work inside at Walmart and used to be in charge of doing the carts. the one thing I hate about those things that people never plug them back in. so hed always have to go around the store and rangle them or have to go help customers when they're charged died. I know that if I did get that big to need one or 2 have one regularly hed use that thing and he would get in so much trouble. Just see him trying to make ramp jumps with it.

I have found that the more weight (added to the basket), shortens it's battery life (range). I do not know if it's the distribution of the weight or total weight that's important here.

Could be both. I would imagine a 500 pound person would drain the bettery quicker than a 100 pound person.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

I'm over #360 & have bad knees & back so I use them as often as I can.I think what they should do instead of just plugging them in to recharge them they should have extra batteries to exchange so the carts can remain in service while the other batteries charge.I think that would make it easier for customers to less likely grab a cart that's low on power.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

A typical street mobility scooter will do 20 miles. I suspect the battery in shop scooters is tired. They also need to make them better for fat people. Most people who need them will be fat.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Dazed & Jack.....I hope you aren't insinuating that ALL fat people use them JUST because they are fat.As I said in my post I have bad knees & back &I am legally disabled.I know there are others the same as me.Although I will admit I've seen some using them & hopping in & out of them like they could run a marathon!
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Why not? If you're not taking the last one then use the scooter if it helps. If they become more popular then the shop will get more.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Of course not. People can suffer all sorts of issues that may or may not be related to their weight, whether high or low. I'm just saying that the people who ran my previous places of employment were morons (and I'll bet most places anywhere else), and just because there's a higher demand for scooters does not mean they will have the brains to then supply more scooters. One such place was Walmart, a business more than capable of purchasing more scooters, but lacking the sense to provide them. Therefore, if someone perfectly healthy or not intentionally gains 200 lbs and aches all over as a direct result, I don't have sympathy and that's not fair to those who are less able through no fault of their own. In no way do I mean to imply that all fat people are just rude and lazy. But it happens.

I would not count on anyone at Walmart having any sense at all.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

I've seen people get a lot of mileage (pun intended) out of a TravelScoot. I am not affiliated with the company, but I can say that it is a very useful piece of equipment for those who can walk but struggle with standing/walking for an extended period of time. It is very helpful with, for example, grocery shopping.
3 years

Scooters at grocery stores

As I creep closer and closer to 450, I think about using one more and more. Every time I walk into a store. It is just getting kinda ridiculous lugging my self all the way around a supermarket anymore. It definitely won't be too long before I just give in to my laziness. It's only a matter of time really.
3 years